Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — Willis vs Dole. [ARTICLE]

Willis vs Dole.

Tho tran9mitte<l t< Cong:» '» ;<imtber l>atch «>f Ha waiiun com>spon«leūC6, iueleilinp | ilispatch«*> whieh ftiriv<vi r roni San Fpio<‘ <co F'*bruarv 10th ;»n.l whiel, r< aoheil ti. * St,»to I>e i>irtu «'ul S;»tanlay nx>roin£. A sule frora the p«>rti<>ns nln'ft<l\ publisln <l. ;t opens witli a lettei froui Willi» to tiresbam, teiii<g nf th« celvl>r*ition »>f th<> first «n-niwn-an of tbe l‘rovisi»*oaI Oov ernmenl J muan 17th. ar»l s.iv inj; '‘Ni'iie ■ f tb»* fon»ign ropn? s*>ntj»tiv»*s p»rtieipate»l iu the ol>s< r\.icct* of the d <v. No salnte> wcre fir»<l from tbe Atuerc»n. Hritish or Japanrso war vcss<*U in |H*rt The r» prv» ntatives of fore*gn gov*‘runivnls actc»l u|*on ihe instructi* ns from lbeir own governmeuts ac»l wpou lbeir o»n : reeponsibiIity, * ith the distinet | dtsavowa! ou tbe p«rt ol the reprefcnUtivo of the l*citevi Si*te> tha* its aelion w«s either cr dc>ireJ to eouln ! Ihei^L" \V»Uīs inel *>es ed toria)s fio» tho dady paf*ers of Honoiuln ! sevore!y rvd srtmg on C!evel»ad. j Gresham and Blount. and askiog icstrnctious on the s r .;bject TLe iuatter ol ebu f ial**ni»t io « tbe e». rrt*s* } *o»<dei.ee īs Pre>;dent Do2«‘s letter to WjUU givtag

«> to the «ltit(u!e of the l'uileU Sut«*s to Hawali. «mi *lrv‘«Jv puhiUheil. to Ihe elfecl tbat il M*eutee) U> port<mJ • forci ble Tv-»tor«tioo, »ud \VJ1U' r»; iy . whieh, Willi» «*y». Wili eu«i cor rv»jfc-t«leaee oa tuc »al>ject. Wilii» L»egio« bis reply k> Dole by «»yiug; ' Tbe only qa««tiun of pmelihle uuporUnoe out

->f pn>-«<»»nt «<■ »* | »betfc»>i l Dit«d Stnt«5»*r • »ene »1 tbe tir«e y->ar \ctU-i w ** wntt<*a obj*cti >aabIe to t* or' 6oram£ieDt. C«?rt.»ia I*njro'*-c*' wbicb " Ctncvl to coejt<?v tbat ;<ie« io ;be »nhvqneDt n»te of J*Doarv 1Mb witbdm«B. iho*. ! *n ('l<’astd trt knnw t v:r i pwt»f‘il •u*i fr,«-n«ilv i nnwwwi • I rn * r withont qnestion. In «dditios to tbe »bov*? >tatcmeDt!* whieh were. ( as ! tbo3gbt. nn}a>*t io tbat s *l*? 1 - -i* : s bilitv for the receut dis turl*e<l corulition of t *is c< tamanity was attril<BWd to me tbc 1*|>1"ta<t e »£*nt of tbo l’aihe»! >•••.. ! * ti *n yoa expre«ly (l aelaim anv i intent!oa of cb«rg»ng ro« or my G 'Terntjent with iutoat to pro th*; r> sults or ConJītious Jt* s?'ribet! in the eommaniewl on of I)ev'cn)ler *27th Y >ur lirst letter <' >ot*ins a sunilar as.sarsnce eoa- ! pleil with tbe stat uieni that yvor O rercme t is reluct3nt to b’*i eve *.his e n*l-tion <>f «rf»irs a <s conteropIated «>r expect»’d by vonrseif or by the Presidout t>f the l*u:tt-<! S?.i* t - .' Iu view of tbe above. a reply to yonr last eommoniealion may not b<* necessnry, nor oue be made xcept from the ilesire t!iat my Gorernment mav h »ve the goo<l «ill aud friendsbip of the pe*iple j for wliom you spe)»k.” Contiaaing. \Vil!.s says be is not at liberty to discaas inatters i occnrring bef >re his arriT>»l, except to say they wt*re not given ; infrienJly constmction at the ‘ tiine. Toaching the interview l>ubli-heJ in a Io<* »1 p»per Nov eraber 16th, quoted froru by l>v»Ie iu his Ictter, \\;Ili.s points ont thht thf f »ct w»*re that ou Novemb *r 15 h, D«raon, M n ster »<f Pinanoo, eame to the United St:»t**s L»*gitiou s,»yingthere were rmuors ot hu attnck tb <t night or the m \t moruing on the Governoent building. and t!ie g iards had l>een iucrease l. \Vilhs t<>!<l l) »mou that t!;e J.»|> ineso Consnl i »nd Llr;tisli Minisler had re<jueste l h.m to uudertake the protectI ion of t ieir }>eople from a}.pre | h n<l** l mob viole .ee. alsofrieu<D of the Queen. In view of this \ViIlis s;»id t ) D»m >n: “I <lo not >vish to interfert* in any wav with your domestic ati.urs except with your iij prov »1. If you do not bject, bowerer, I will publicly iniii iiiict> tliat the UniteJ Statew:il e>>-oporate io prevent mob vio'euc >. ’ Damon expressed pleasure at Willis’ attitude in the m*tter then ;• u*l afterw»rd. L »ter 1) > o h mself exprt ssed approval a*id satisfaction at what occurred. It was »oaemlly aocepted as having ha»; au eieelleul etlect. V. illis adJs ‘ The actiou w<s meaut and understood at the tirae ns in the iuterest of }>eace. hamamty and gcHnl order and •vill. after this eipii«L iion no l*»nger I hope. bc considem.l oiil »u •> of host iitv ' W iUs> deoics th t lie s-.id anvtbingtj the deegation of the V ueneau L _;;ie ou N vcmber | 17th « ūeh c»*uld be construed .<s : <u.frie dly. WiiH> refer- to the r.-*vocatiou on Nov«*mber 29th bv t »e I'ruTisi»»m*l Ci >verument of |H>rmi'- >n f >r the Unite»l States i forc«B U) l »nd f»r »lnll. !!e savno »e »son w*s given and he knows »f none, but tiie reToc«tioa was resj>< cted and no anned U S lroo} s h«ve ianded siuce for tb**t or bdv other purp>s<>. H- reminds Dv»le th«t onder the Coust»totiou ti»e I’uīUhI States CoogresH al ne e «u drt*! <re war. an i as the Pre-,-i»ieDt distioct»y a»oouuced he wouhi ooly «ct “ «ithm the eoo- | -tituliooal liimts of the Execotive ■ power.’ be precln»ied Ihe i»lea of ‘ usicg f >rce. aod athrme<i his dee Hrati<>D»f Noverober lst, deiiT- ■ r»-d (hrough Secreiary Gresham. aot ‘to do anythirg whieh wouid ■ eaoae iQjory lo lifr o» property of <ny ooo at the Ulan<i«.’’ As to tis ting ettiKOS, referml io in Dole * ietter. who wilMs»«i , lnils aod otb«r warlīke prepera1 t;ots on K-ani Un»tevi St tea veesel« \Vitlis say-; *‘Tbeir «p- ; i»r*‘hen io£is w»oid h»T« been oroa>|4ly aiUye>l by the inft>rro»- > t»oo that what tney m* that Pr<dsy they coold *ee aoy tbml r vid*y in the moutb. īt beiDg «he | uaa«l «qo«Jn>Q rv>otme dn I. tu: l Boat dni!, fire partv. ana and 1 away, reqairmg tbe koapaaek,! etc. WiUia prai»es the foibearan«?e j , | 1 aad **!; contrvl »huwa bylhe o£- (

cers >b<1 n>-o -f **- >V'“ * - I <r»r eh:r«s io »t -tding ct" * on , cf ev-ri1eTOent. H- t‘ 'O \ sava: * I <ieeire t> «t»le th*? t‘ e only coe*njoo:c-*ti' , a a p’iilinl fhiKfl<*r whieh I have b>J w;sS ihe Q"»«-en w« lim : ted t» three j oeoaeioe.*. T*re - >’>•> purp*>s*» of • »•'- -Iu! >s< wv *- v •; ; know. t«> <e»-ore pr»per e - - from the Qreen t>th> 1 f- trd i pr»,-rtv cf all eeonwlei w:*.h ’ the cverthr»w of tbe iooairciy THese b»v«ng b»ea secur> l I then. a Jcr instrac* >0- f * e Pres ]<■< t f the Unt< ’ : - nre-enled fc - decis;on. sett tg f«>rth li -re »->ns th-r**f r »;s i suh’n !t;ng tho*n to yoor U* >vrnraont f>r its vo!antary ae* n. * C»rter w-*s i*iv *. *i by mo t > t*<e fcv-t intor» ; -*w-. w tL t Q;ie» n. D«*cenib< ! r I6th an<i K*,h Ho knew nothi> g nntil tben of the inr >rv ew of N >w:»’ . r ! 4 He is a native H<w »ii.<n • : A 1 Iricm parautage, wh’ se eh r ;ct 'r . for integrity and intelligence U l aekn »wledg»d in the communīty. an i 1 c >nsiler»»l fcim a pr»tH*r pors n to bo present.. **yon st-»te ‘then* was .!n -t . w-ll-cigh uiversal l*.Jief iti t’iO city that you wore ab>ot to att*>mpt to lan<l the n»> »1 f.>roes • f tLe Unit« J St t- - t «r : <* the esecution of the Presul« »t’s policy.’ My answer is. my (.«< vemment. one iuonth pri rto tbe time reforred to, bad given you inf >rm »tion nog»tiving thei»le»of nsuw f >rc * an<l autiit>iJ n pnbUe»ti«>n of snch inf >rmat.->u t<> alli»v any snch ap{'r h«*nsi. n. Fuithermoro. as frankly n«1init{eJ bv vou in this corresponJor.oe, ‘vour G >vermnent its if »lij n <t entertain tbis apprebension.' Astothe H;»w:»ii;tn (< veruiu nt being refus«*«i }>ermis-ion t > - n<l dispitches bv the «l.sj>.»tch '■ ■it Corwiu, Willis says the o<v;»l <>tlicers and the pubiic u'> n>*r lly wero refus‘>J sm*h }>• r -- n and no iuf< i- nee<>f nnfr • ;»< 11 .; - s1 *• >» ! i !>e drmwn therefrora. W i!l s c >ntiuu« - “]; j>< gr *j<h 26 v>a jm>te«l fi«>:n mv al>h’Ss of Dooeml».>r l’.hh. submitting tlie < «u- .f ti;*> l’i - si<l«*ut ujK>n the II «w »;; <n <ju -tsion 1 resj»eclfnlly s ;gg* st ;hat t!iere is in this address nn i .ti—mation «s to tlie use > f f«>*ve. Your }>.«r.»grij>h 27 -1.»t< -‘ U’ >*n the 23ni of December I rej>’,ieJ to t!ie f >reg<>ing communi< ;»t on in t:ie neg>tive. Up t»> the t*roe •>f senJing yoo my eommuniea t ion >>f Decembcr 27th no further communic;»ti«>u had beon rec iv - e«l bv me frora yoo, an«l no ns sur»nce ba«i been recei\el thal f»rco w«s not to !>*• us» <L nor what your fnrth*'r instruct >ns wero conceruing this Gov ern>nont,’ “Let me eall your attention to {?ie f:»ct th t «t the tinae v»nr rtiisverw»s blivorei I n>:,;i*J yoo 1 wonhl forwardit t<> W, -!iingtion. and that nothing w. j’d be d*>no by rue un‘:l f irlher in structi<*ns. T» tl - y •»r r< !\ was, ‘that il w<. si.l i> > fHct«.rv to our |>eoplo ’ Wili s - *\-hls r« f - * ; t s<K'i »1 <*thc: il < ri - - - - prorapted by the inemlluM <t ires «nJ w ».s “iuteuJ <1 tol-.ve all iersons. cft-*r tbe di -i*lt>sare of ti»e v;ews of my (» \ern n*-nt. free aud anembarrnafted t • »1 ;-rmiae for (hemselve« tho reiat »ns tt>ey d.-*ire»l to boid to nu- ia«l mv f.»raily.