Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OenoraI TJVd verti«»nient» A TAST PRO.TECT, 00F3Ti,IT LIIE 0F SCHGG1TBS— U|lt 0r*rtmtT ALL Otrīp? to Oer Cocsl*ct»y Incm*ing Bi«oe« »cd the Grett Ikm»cd cf »n Af ireci»tirg Ccmmoc tr, we h«ve cooc 'c Ud to c ffer »n c|*|»c.rtoc;ty to »!l )>art;e* b»nDg ») U< —OUR LINL OF 8CUOO>ERS m.y be *eeo p d<r.g cv r tbe BA»,f: icd to the.r otmo«t urn ingc»p»c ty, w;th CLEAH. COOL asp Ls.VIGORATI5G F r ed.n=k<,b U cg| UGEIl EEER Attne “Anchor Saloon!” To •< . rnmod»te Oor V»et F'eet of Scboooere, we h»ve tiuīit n F:oc, L»rge Refrger»tor, Reg»rdlcae of Co*t. T2ie lJ3.c1s.cx,~ Ih the ooly )>Uce «bere a Cool Glas« of Fredericksbnrg IV. r ou «iniugLt ean l>e ha*l iu Honolulu. Step fonvard (»«‘i.tl«TDon uow i» the time. NOTlCE ! Tho Uitder8*gned ha? Receivcd from the E8stern State9 'L'ln- Lar{?«'st Single Oixlev of BILLIAHD MATERIAL Kvi i laj|>ortc«l to tho Islaml.s. lt Couclutles as Follows: Clolh, 3 pradca, Com, a.ssorU*d; Cu>bions, by Block, patont; Uillianl Halls, coaijx)sition «nd ivon; l’ool Ball«, do., do. Tips, Chalk, l\ ckot;C«»t»g». with leath«>r aml fringo, complete; l’ockot Nottinps, friuge and leather; Knbber Cowrs, Court riaster, preen and black; New Stvle Chalk Holdore, Triaagles, Shako l*alls and Leathor Buttles, l’ool rins, Markore. etc.. ctc. The «l*ovo (««>ck1 s have boon Purchased at Roduced K»t*s %r«l tbe ciH.lor»igned is oow | repared to do »ny acd »11 kiods <>f H1LU ARĪ> TARLE WOKK »t t' iH *nablo ratos wilh disj>*tch. Also new »nd sccond ha:.vl Hiliiani aud i'vK)i fablos for Sale. PK ase Apply to J. P. BOWEX. Perry Block. Hotel St.. Honolulu l-|. E. 8( Bf^o lMPORTERS AND DE.VLEKS 1N Ci rooeries, I?ix>visions AXD Feed, EAST.OORXER FORTA KING STS. New 6oods Rec'd By ev« n Paekel fron the Eastern St»tes ud Eorope. Fraah C»lifomi» Prodoce by every steamer. AU order» !aitkfally »ttonded t o, and Oood» delivered to any parl of the city FR££ OF CHARGE. L»laud Onlen» Solicited. Sat sfaction Ciuarmnt«xd PoU Ofioe Box No. 145, Tel«phon» No. 9i.