Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — ANOTHER WARRIOR. [ARTICLE]


i An American-Hawaiian. As Uau&L W<? h*r» freqaently expm»ed oor ooboande<l 4«tonu«btoent orer the c«re’fssnes»< and diaregard of tr ith witb «hicb cert»m citi£ena K* ‘-m to be paiiwawl «heo they ! tbeir a«fety inkstan i.t and mI)o« tbeīr |>en« to ron a«ay «itb their eommon nen<t« aod venicitv Ti.e h**t «>f the pour «enhhlen* i» by no uii ana clo«ed yet We have b f >re u*> n c*>py of the Beuninfj1 »i fi m \er of F«-l»raary’ 16lh in «hieh w e 6od a k-tt* r frutn our eHle^nMH 1 brotber-citiren. the ««•II knu«n tootb-palIer, J. M. Whitney. The *‘doctor" manl have b«»en auder auine severe hailuein. liona «hun ben!lu«ed hia p«n t*i r:m amoek nml put into bl.u-k «n i «bde hisfnntasticnUte ui nt th t he. as n warnor bnve, h.i* bee;i nt«uding L>ehmd the r «»f hia uuf<>rtunat« puiienU «l«jiys r»«dy to “drop his instiutaents. .u-l go to his asHigne<) pl.iee iu <k-fen.se of his goveruiueut. Ye gin)s. aud little fishes‘ ls it |»vuble that the existeuce of tlre Provision.il Oovern ; tuent «l«.»ends up<>u the c«daverois t» ti-cirp -nter who haa ro ij>e I horet<»tore »uch a goo<l barvt'»t <»ut of ihe H.iwaiian p.'cket-f We refuse to believe t'iat tha «nr-r-r agiinst the Uuited St ites. whieh w«s to b« imngu te 1meme of Clevol<iiid s j iiD|*ert.beut interferenco, waa <le pond tnt. n tho sapt>ort ati<) holpof i’ien iik* tho amioeut)y respeot»ble d<ntist “D..i k or” J. M Wb t iey Hof >re the “d<«ctor” eleaua » Atnerica of the iufauiy. t iat 'uu-l hereafter attach itself to ts diptoinacy. aml impeaehe» ; C evo *i.d f ir haviug boeti honor aiile to he Hawaiian, wo wouhl a»k th<? li'nni n jt<m Hunnm’ • | com<S|K>nd>ng d«ntist to look I iuto his l< >oks aud y>e h >w niueh ; of the reoney wh eh has b«ipe<{ 1 t» mak) b.s life here eom- i f >rt«bly w.is deliveivd from ; H.iw«iiaiis aml more eepeciallv from Hawaiian oh.ofs. Helow wo publ sh the ietU-r of deotist J. M Whitoey. «nd in doing so. »e eall tho sttontion to bis no» openly expresse<l sentiments t<» ( all fr<emls of Hawaii «ho iu the ! f t ir« u. «y be in the need of » t ><>tti pul!er aml fill«r. The pub lieheil lettor is a<Mross<d to « M SS S K. p.‘ and «e aduut that | it ia |»**s-.ible that the g<llan*! d -ntiat «ished to look heroic ii> the eyea oi hia Iady cortes|>oad ent. «mi thervfore dre« on his imagieati u. but. we consider it ' ouly fair to le«ve evervth<ng iu 1 th*t line to the iudiTidu«i ' julg<necl of oor readerv We * preunae tbo letter by aaying that 1 tie * Cirven M»antain 0 Su e a < i n > loag >r eUm» the «ani r U 11. i

ii<*. liaM ig ‘*pr«*p-rvd fiu»ncidh- • ml oo« of the )e d*ug eilit>*ns of Honolula, «nd no« rUim« tliat ooautry lo be bis br nlopUoo.*' {5beordmg to the editor o the Bt>aaiugtoD B u ner) ..’ue btoo*i thir»ty »od b**roic tootb poller vrote, follw»t: “W\* h«te beeo noder sach « ! he«vy £14 ;b*. nds] »Ute ul m-citr-us.il f-»r «o <oog a tiu>« tb«t «« h.tndv knov «nyihtng bot V\ *r* W#r! £#rror; sboold be M«' a *Oc-f.it e tbe Al«oet!n eaene in br u£>ug the n««« o t Lbe dti«nd < f C - t .gr N' to Cie>el«ud to h«nds «.:> I. t«tioo frtun ->ptveb of A Jot.u.>t.] vitb hunUr«d> ui o«her (i.i 4oti.£«4Uieo«itte4ppl>ed lo iuo«i lr.»n troublc«j who 1. -d pl«*> god their Iiwm U> tbe Uu.|]lru. JV ,t) *.f tbe IV.ri&ion i g v<srooiri.t. ci|«ctad «vciy honr lo be C i lr*d t>* face uur o..iv foc*. £ u-ui'r, the A*try. eiC eioeol J l j* L'u.UhI State» u«v«i b»roeB, f>reed re. .cUntir 01*00 0« bv CLtel»nd. "I«wy ivift p«iM : ng h«vrse aod ri.ler t >«t my >.tfice v a- «»>*. or r M p«dly driv*a c«m«ge

' nr «hi«tU r>f tho ateare 1 e e *i i;ul U ihe fcer« -,f lu*- o * v«!H->it ef o»:r f« [ •.*«»* u»y ii»>trrr»eati* «onhl limp, ! [c»s»* n«»* nrrinblv t’e ' «iry ' leiV *r.«otj ane 1 woa’d at«bd [*>nt tbree «ord» e*wild b*? uBitt0l]nadj to go w.th ai • peod u>y a*«’gn d pUee [loeai lion n t stāted] in defence of my ; g»T«*n5nr.ent, [Ameneao*] * H#d t:.ey landed. it wooid h*Te beeo oae nf tbe m»st drea»l f ful caro*g'-* kn»«o io m dern titūf« «s evenr one wbo « »old | have ojjjK>*»-d them w»a a gvorn , l«*tn«.t, ao 1 «<»a’.d bave f»*rgbt j •s r n'y p.tn«te eao «beo tb«y t | f«el tln*t tbeir e antry :s «•( ci>-re | valuc t*.«n their iiv«». [Tt»u* is pr>»b«bly • quoLition fr>m s*va»e ohl T»»iume. antbor nnknown] “It :• not astoun«lirg that ai) | ■ thia is heeanae «e lored onr! fatberUnd [«hieh'] «nd de«ired that it-d.tg [«hieh'] sboald be ooni’ “ Yoo mnst be sore to read Mr. Tbruston’s pr«»te»t. and«bove«11, P>«w>dent I) .le’s ieply t<» the «le- 1 m«nd- •f ( i«‘veUnd throogh his <ii inist- r. W.IIU. that thcs gov- ; ernm**iit -honhl st*-p do«u «nd oat [SecT**L»ry Gre-bain » lett-*r Col. Hiount s report «ml the spetch*-s of HTenl Represetita tivfs «re «lso very cleir. «od i goo«l; trutLfu. stvte;uer.ti boinu ma«lf.J ' 1he onlv pos«:ble «av wliieh Amertc« ean eleanae itsfif of the inf«my tbat rau«t here ft«-r «tt <ch its«lf to lU <liplotuacy, [ab! diploamcv ] .s by im|»eaching CleveUod, [f*»r using diplomaey, or for eao-m/ tho keavy exc;teiuent; whieh’] who ha.s iua<ie Am. j r c<»n •liploiu «cv a stench in the uot>tr<i- of every g<»Vfrnreeut on e>»rth [how «t»uut H awn] except EngUnd. anu it w<»nld l»« m th-t, »iid lt uot wiah t<i g t'n p ..<«,•>.>) ou I of u». \ours «tr.*cti<»tiatelv. J. M Whitsey. [br,»cketcd coiumeuts. urs, hd j