Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

C"» eueral Advort isexnoiit.s ORWAY &: PORTER, /> a. H‘ ‘- f~*>.i'fn F‘$ri aii‘i Have Ju-t Pcce ; T* d. fer I *u *.ir\j > lle 1 up«M ?tcck c( FUR M11RE E\tr Iiricrttd to t! i.- Ccuntrv, G u.j ri~ : .g Ha ndsoms Carved Bedroom S:ts In Solicl Oalī. a*i tke I.A TFST DESIGSS. ESPECIAL ATTEXT10N ls CALLED TO THESE SETS WICKER WARE, Beant fnl Dcs gns of Wick«r Ware, oonsi.-ting of SOFAS, CHA1RS. ROCKERS. etc.,vou oan get tht-.- in »ny FIM>H you ile»iro. CHAIRS, Coontless uuml»ers of CHAIRS, in evorv‘ style, includ)Dg 011IC E and HIGH CHAIRS. E2ITElTSIOIT TABLES, We bave had a nntuber of calls for these Tables. with CHA1RS t» match. We have now iu stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITUBE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers In Great Variety. w H» I -\TA. I'a' S Divans covered with PORTIEHS are becomiug tjuite tlie rape in plaee of LOl’NGES -we manofactnre them to order. and havo a laige stock of PORHEHS to sel>ct from. BEDDIITG-. Great Assortment ofWOVEN WIHE MATTRESSES— Spring. Hair. Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand aml matle to onler. L1VE GEESK FEATHEHS and 8ILK FLOSS for PiLow-. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz-s. C0HMCE POLES, in wood or br ss tritumings. Mattresses, Lonnges an.l all Upholetered Furmture repaired at r> asonabie n tes. CABINET MAKING. in all its branehes, by Compe«ent Workmen MATTĪNG LAID and Int rior Decorating onder tbe S«pervision of Mr. GEOHGE 0RDWAY. Our Gootls sre F rst C1 »se. and .>ur pricea are the lowc-t. Come and be c<'nvinced —a trial is s licit«sL Bell 525. telepB0KE8: Mutcal 64"» 0KDWAY A P0RTER. H >bmson Hloek, oelween Fortand Nuuauu AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cai. Sept. 23. 1893. $in>. Pr.j>rt*T 2. W ».T n »> B«Il r»«n. <irw. hy Bn>-«ce-- *KV> lVir>r 15 «W. Uk Sir» '*l Aiel, fr n« i, "’i.’Hi; VV aJV *t 2 —* * ■ - - • f • Ou *ad ot tb* Duw BnTlu»cuer. ? IT Vigor. 2 2*., •Vir>'i*'»)H*V»,o&f kn fc*ot «nd |T in t,cf. W I,CV4I pon; n »rn st7h.i1, • CV»«T pn»lno<r .n 1 * rm<* »• , Will <Uad U* ■ bautod namheī ol n^wii Klrn D*»LI VhS R»B F H F. S; \si-»N. f«T*bir •< ubm» ot H... «« bnd tu !sSi lo brtr <u nan* »n-l f-jrtT-<*rv> o><b. fcb 17-mi IX H DAV1S. \\, E. $ Bf^o IMPORTERS AND DE-\LERS IN Gi'oceriejs, Pi\»\isions AJVD Feed, EAST CORNEH FUHTA KING STSNew Goods Rec’d Br everv P*cket frum the Ea*tera SUtee »ad Earope. Fiwh Califoraia l*rodoce bj erenr ste*mer. AU order» f» thfullv at»«oded to. »nd Ocx>d» delirered to *nj pert of the city FRKB OF CUAUGEl«Uad Order» Sol»c»tetL S*t sLctu>a Goar*nteed. Poto 0£ee Box No. 145. īelephone N». 91