Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Sev«ral whalei» ar* still emaiug off port The L*Qteu s*a«ob ia appmaehsng ae en-i. Tte histori;ral eloek U- sappos ed to be clo»ed for repairs. Ncxt Sund ’.y is Easter Suaday, and after—dauciog c*>mmeuces agam. % St«le Stat«* docccicnt!* are uow fiilmg up tbe 'Ti*er* uew> eolumua. Jbe P. C». baud w:ll b:to a e >nc**rt (hss eveniug at Emma ~j«ar«* Moonligbt T ; >e (* iv> ninieot b>id«ling whieh <*•»*.tvi: • t •* C >urt r**c r*ls is o w * dem*r»ed hy t’>e roi!ittry. The C« iudine is on ilie M <riue Il.tilw;tv l>e!i.g <*le.»n***l. S .ewill U*ave, as usu«l. on her r< nte t>morrow. • OiB-*ers snd u.* n from 1! B M ehampiou «tten<l>'*l divinc serrice »<t St. \f«lre»s i';«lhe<lr>l v< -terday 1’h iu Sun<lay. There are a iiumber of famili.tr n,*imes among the list of (hw whieh are exj>eote«l to eall at the T;«x Office an«l sett!e. ‘ Tbe Rhiue' sn il!ustrated le«*ture bv Mrs. (»nns wiil ent«r t lin au aailienee at the V. M. C. Hall m>xt Thursday eveuing. Tho hark Helen Brewer, Capt. j Newell ■ t fr im Now \ rk. «>n S.tturday last. She has ■» geneml cargo consigned to C. Brewer & Co. Tbe mcmbers. of tbat verv worthy organiz ition, the Hosj>ital Fruit nml Flower mission met thLs aftornoon and selecte«l officers for the eusuing year. Nlr. Kincald, % jovial tonrist whu is here for he.ilLh and jdea sure und who hails from Ch:«’ago , is n«>w r«H*uperiiting in the balmy climate of the Paradise of the Facifio. Mrs Vau Viiet, T T Griffiths, J C lK>w, Mrs Wm Iliinekman. i Mt<s LChnrch,J H D«>stralrath. B K Bauning, F 1. Ware aro incoming passenger» by the Kinau. Tliis is H»)y Week at the Koman Catholic Catho«lral and sjH*cial s<Tvic«*s will be hehl thereat «luring the ti ne. Many foreigners w?U uudoabtedly l*e present. N'-arly al* ol the >*>»r. jHN»jde, not »tar j>e**|>!e, »re « ffioers of the third d»strict «*luh *.f embrygo jx>ht:c!v a. The ltsl includva a “ehmniele” is*jH>rter. a eomewhai. ne» d»de in towu. Extra peeeauiiooa, agaiust royalist enthusi«sm have again he> n t *k«*n hv a«iditi«>n t > tbe raounte«l )K>it«H> aiul >t «t:<>Qiug one «>f the uamber tn the l «n> uext to ihe reaidence of Mr Juutas K«ae. B« rvt-«ma strtH*l nearly op{H»site the hea«iqaarters of one of the voluut«?er i’. G. comjvam«« ! | Ei>m>K H»lomi a: 8utemeuts iu tde iu th:s mornmg's i<iift(i«>r n*Utiv« U> au atterupt by nie to ]>roteot mvse'.f freui pei'oual inj* ry on Satunlay uigbt last at Ihe C«>tumercial Svl«x»n »re. to say the Ieast. mislea«hn». a< tbere »re tbree vn>u| stateo>euis whieh I hope yoo will bave the honesty t» recttfv in your jvij>er as i bave nol the pnvilege uf presenUng my c»*<* in the other paper. Mv o» n »tate m e n ls that I »*s attacked cnfairty. lhat it was cbarged tbat i was a Royatist. and that 1 dul ao more tb»c f dclend myaelf aod «lid nol draw or use a p;stol. | Very tr«ly. F,Jl Millek.