Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Who's Lucien Young. [ARTICLE]

Who's Lucien Young.

hi'noE Holoki a: An ag<mrzifjp an«i fa« rt rending Ij> g‘>n*t op frt>m tfa s otrer wr<>ught ao*l (r<ttizi«tl cota*uuoitv * • ibo bunit-n of whieh is, “»ho U La«hiog YoQng ‘ A rarvftil iuTer>tigalion iovolvtng infaait» r* se*roh. wini a inrish outlay of ouin closeiy a{>|>r<>\uuatiug t<> ten cobt> for g:un euahloa me to ro liovo the uoirei>al tensioo. Ah ’ \ <ung ia tbo gal!aot (?)li«jatonani »hu uomortalt/c<) tho m irti«I aehiowmonia of Caj>taio W iliv. at tho Oj>ora Houae oo a i'ortaiu ocoasion, atui iooiileniallv t >..t*'.l hi> o»n trumjH>t. a;ul is not to ho c<.Df'>D(kdetl » ith tho f.>ul uu>utho*l blackguarti »ho voiced H«ch profound y**arningH to mop the floor uf a woll-known saloon in this city » itii tiio ju»rson of a iiaokman wb« rfntlt*rvd faimso)f ahnoxiuus by <louian<ling a mcnt uf *'tbat tnfling ueoounl.' Ho w.is tho oio«jtu'nt orator *>f July 4th lnst who au iiounoo*] with suclt unot<>us Ccrvor *'Tiiauk (.ohI’ ti woman muy cn.s> froui oeeau to oeeanun tho Amcrican cuntiuont socure from mulestutiou aml inauU’’ and Uicr»*foro most not l>o ooufusod with tho dirty j>uj> »ho iit(omj>ted to haul a young lady out of a liaek mul h«<l his »hiskey-b’os-Homod faeo cordially slapped, iu r*>turn for lus insu!ting etrorts. Beiug a maii »ho«o U*stiraouy < arri<*s mu h v*< igiit vvitli S**iiate com:uiM<*«*s lie eaunoi 1k> clas.H«sl »ith the braxoo hilk whoae unred«>eme«l I. (). l”s will render liM m*'m >rv evor<lear -voiy dear, to manv :u this confi<lmg vic»u>ty. No, no. he is the loTey-dovey, •»«*«*ty-sweety .doary-«learv Luci« n whouo rofiu«sl nmnuerss<>6ndeared him to tii«> 1..<1 n > nul u«>t uotorious «'\jH>iu*nt of jim jams ouee tun.**<l l«H>»e on (his afllicte<l K»ng<l >m Sek uhina.