Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CTIK FURNITURE ! VI!TG FAT * Co. Cotd*t of Kiog *r.d Beibel Stv. Hooololo, OtTer a large ect oi fine <od d<>ir»b<« ruiiMTi:in% wh:cb ‘bejr *«3l *t • r*n 1cw figore. B Bore«oii l eie., «t pric:> to »alt ercrVb«lT. C*U »t.d *ic#pect for yoonrelre*. m*r 12 VIKO FAT k 00-N^-VU-^0?llA JL*ST RECEIVKDfr»*n» JAI‘AN S«*T»r*l Kind of Cotton Crape, Ut«st Styl« of Shirts ia ditf»rvut qaalmeft. 5"eat A$oi , fcinent of poneelain Tea Sete \.S{i«cialty J«p<ii.t»*o Lauterns and rm»ny Cori(» Kuitnb!e for Christm«s Oood». 4il K!KG 8TKnET. Honoluln. T«trpt >a<is BU1 474. I'.O. Boi .18«. Hq(uil M4. n«l3 Im Holiday Prcscnts Thc ood<>r»igntHl beg Ieave to eail tbo Htteution to a Urgo as hortnu*iit of t<>s'< ful and elegan1 Jewetry. suitablu for Chnstmas I’wenU. •«. I lawaiian Flasr Pin«? in ditfen?ut si«ea. Hawaiian •Tt‘welry a Hptvialtv. lf \ou wnut to buy an elogant aiul al lh« sauio tnno «n iuex{ ousi\e Chnstmaa rreseut, eall an>uud aud iusjH.ot my stock. TUOS L1ND SAT. Mvlo*rnj IU»v:k. F«rt Sr.Hua*«nln >WI a Sans Souci HDTEL, L WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU.

V-first-Cfass Aeeommooations for Tourists and isfar,d Guesis SUP£RlQR Baīhihg FAClLimS. Pr nft Cotisgc « fw FamifaS. T A. SUIPSON. otW Uuign.