Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Aloha Aina vs. P. G. [ARTICLE]

Aloha Aina vs. P. G.

rwroB Holowua: Oue of the foreign corrcsj>orul- « uIh rec«tiUy here. interviewing tne of the yoong Hawaiiana of tho l’.«triotic Le*gue a>kinl him to eipl .in the ci«ases aiul nature of tho hostility aml oj>ju>«ition of tho HaWai.aus to the rrovisiun.il («ovurunie'it. sUting that he fouml the clsims of tbo revolu tioni»ts to )>e about as fol!ows; 1 —Tbe i*. Q. leaden hohl the • onstitntion of 1887-in a s«.>rt of Lol) rvver*-nce. The Quocu's i.ttemj>t to gubrert it aml aoquire ilesj>otic |H>wers, ilisfranchising tho »bites, ju>tit’usl tbo rcvolt. 2 —The immorality of the hu«. ber Court was otfrūsivo lo th*> refiot*d sentiiuent of ; the comn.unity, aml must be suj>presstHl. 3 —The constitntional strnggles j ( t the baUot box ami in the !egsUturc rvsultmg in eon tiua>us tl- feat, was cxasj>erating lo the reforto j>arty, who«ie Iea<lcrs ihoogh in a minority fancied they fcatl ibe tiiv»ne r:ght to roie. : >u tt-e grouml th.it they, and they o> , repres« nted the \>e*lth 1 inteiligenc« ami mcrality of tbe I couotrv. ’ 4 - Vunexntioa with iU fancied ad\antigcs (o the aogar and otber ! irdus«res was more desirable iiim au tndej'eodent p>Tcrnment < f tbe jHH'jue whieh dul not perLiit tbe reform ps»rty to rule. ō- Thc native Hawaiiana are » aemi ciTiitxed race of j>eoj>!e unfit L>r *elf g 'Ternnucnt. or. as a iu*jonty. t« rule OT»r tbe whites aiul th«'ir r\teusive iot«re«to. $—Th« l'roTtsionai GoT«rnment is tb« bs-sl goTvmmect Hawaii baa < >er had. lhese -ix dii r <*rent po«talalce , were anawemi as foliows ( 1—Tf»« ConstilotŪHi of 1887, wss avo»tsiiv cH>ooeiT«d for tbe i purpu«e of suppr«ea»ing tbe Ha I waiiau majority by creating a : eiaaa dialioction of weaiih n, I uianbood »u!irage> lt «as not an < bon«at d<Vrumeot. adioiUed by (be | Cbief lo be renr faolty m 1 ĪU coustiuction; aod it waa no( « m aocorxt witb the ajnri| of < modom ounaUlulional govcrn i ment. lt *rt op tbe elaaaaa over » the uaaaea. an ottesiy oo-Amen- 1 eaa and tgnobl« oaorpaUon, at < varianoe wilh modem progreaa aml eivdizatioft. j Tti« &klim uatara)iv cbalad < on«i«t tbw «oaclitntion aad lba i

• «p ; rit 't llw e!ectton ’ enn{«!gi4 "f stid 1393 wt» i tū« bo{ * of * MW COIi»t»ta»J -c Tbe ut t«« attd t large e!ero«ot . > of lb* «Liie |X>paUtioa recogiifx ' «d the t.fc«wilv ud Mrsntlv ' pUnood !•->r • Con«tit3tiou*l Con-' wenlion, bot f«iled in tbeir effirt«. . The Qc««& felt fceeolj tb« iojc»t ce o i tbe CoR4iii«tion cnd<r j • hieh ber {wopU wrere co«n-J {•elltd to iit« bjr th« h*y | om>u of *lien adTTotaren> ' Whiie oot cr>Dd«‘tnQtngtbeQu«en $ «tteinpte>l c:ntp <T«tat, bitt< ry » cerUin to record ber *ction i» J • noble-n)icded porpo«e to gaic | the rigLta of Ler people, lcr iwhieh tLey ftrere clamoring froai . Haeati U> Ni.Lau. U'ng after ' the P G reTolntionist» »re bar ried. *qJ •<$ compI«te!y forgt»tten a» tbe dogs tbat btyed «t tbe moon cotempono«oos witb theoi. tbe naui of Liliaokalani »i!l be ' ec-«brine*l a» the Qi»eenof Hawaii who Junl abd, mar be. lost an eff rt to regaio the natunl r>ghU of tbe people cvor whom t>bo roled. That the een’s new conatito tion con:empliitcd the d.sfr<»i>cb iscment of the whites is UIse! lt i> well onderstood that it simph dcnied to the foreign*?r what i» denied him in evenconn(ry. the right to Le'a citizen , uf two uatioos, but graoted him full cit.zen>hii» iu th;s on.ler an . 1 oath of nIUgince. Tbis is onlv eommon law audpiactice in even uation. 2— On the charge of itumor«lity it wonhl have heen tbe part of wisdom of P O. men, aml women, to m»iutaĪD «liscreet silence. But the panona. of the men acd wumen of the P. G. foiiowing. h«ve v ed »Tith eaeh other in «lefuming tbe Qoeen. and b aek gnanling the Hawaiiansgenerallv. Wheu argumcnt for their caose h«s failed they have resorted to tbe most cuutemptible co!umuies ■ >f the Hawniiaos au«l rovalists. But in p«cfcing out the beam of lheir neighbors eN» 1 !» thev did not see the dirty mote in their owu eye. fhe men who m>w strut about lolani Palaee in their litlle brief author tv bave the tint of lieeulioua itnmoraIity deeply branded u|*on tliem. the living or>denciee of whicharefargreater | subjeet of puhlie scaudal Uian I •nytbing thut ever disgraced Uie Royal b«ut. Bast.«r«ly, sednc tion, and kept mistress« s are i«» . auiple evideuce ussooiated wiUi theso bigh)y moral gentlemen who poeeaa witbpuritaDicsucces i sion to thte monarchicaI court It must be *aid to the credit of the Royalists tbat they have nol . I been so undign;fied as to bring \ forwaid the.se matters in accusatiou of tbeir enemies, It was not *Tgument. aml not pertiuent to | the poliiieal qoestions at stake It was reserved for the eommoai- | cants of the Ceutral Uoion Chorch to display tbeir onchris- i Uan lovo of scaudal r.nd socia! 1 6lthi lf a rīgid c«nnp »nson were | •nade of Uie m rals «f j the yonag Hawaiiaua aod ' foreigners in Honololo it , wouKl l>o f<-aud that Ihe former j an a ru e m&rrv thuir be.st gir( tbe Utter «re Urgelv guiltv of; | !aking yoong H iwaiian giris as | mistn*sses aud deb«i»ching thom. ! ! The Advisory Cuoooil eve i, nor , j tbe Ex«*cotive eitl«er. is not fre«* ‘ fn>oi this cl»ss of vbite men. 3— The old reform p»»rty. oow j koowu as P. G. are vant to cl<im that m ihe r raufcs •oo!y an» re f {weseoU'>d the ‘'waaUh'' ioielli geoce and morwlity of the o>uotry. M But thi» preten«*‘m i* : 0(>t?nvb!e. It i» troe, ihei* are a | p»«erfulclk)oe, but i«t tS»e cpp'«»i- I ūoa an tn«ny men of quelitr wh * ' re ihe !ord« eod peew > f Ihe P. i G. WitH eqn«t weailh. le» c»n eeil, wid«w eapenenee »t>d bro«der , riews, it »• nol • bu?d *#s>rtn»n t<>! mt th*t the K >y»!!»!» cv>uld put ; fbrward better aod abler oaeo. : than tboae whoee b! jnder* hare brought Hiwaii to a «*le of | *n«rchy. If the Amenean prtnci | ple of ih* divin« r jht of • maj r'ty to ruie w to prev«tl her«, the awtiou»u oi the P. G | church elique »t fonuer eieeiiou» j by »htte a« weil •» uat.re, bai.ot», iadicala» th«t ih-y »re oot trasted by ihe p*opie, th«refuro h*r« no rtgbt to rui«. 4— The qB«wtion of ann«xatioc ba» been abir dutaawd fro« I, OTery lUunipnal In iU neono »« Mp*ct, it >a rwry doobtl«l < i

«b**ber »aV «dT»atag« coo!d ! •ccr*e t> »or iw)tdnew th«t - coo!d not M obUĪned l>y l> <*at> , tbe ewuou of a unl »UtK>a fcemg a <pti ’ pro qmo, PolitieaQy | ’ it «aeo* al«ard tu reiinqai»b se f ! goremniet t «nd b«com>tbe fx»t ■ b.li of p«ity ciiqn«s in Wa»btng I ton. TL 're ia « b ch <ut« of emiuaiion «od inte! igence io Hawai» «ml tbe elej» . f i wT*:l»b!e bere gnile tbe gor ; emmenl ire (oliy eqa*l in c*p- > «city lo f cy tb«t wweohīe in Wasfaingt<,>n. A bome g>»rern • meot in toocb «:tb tbe r.-feds of , tbe people aed tbe n >:i >n is moie l:ke»y to protvct| and fos:er oar geneml :nU*rest». tb«n tbe g*>T- , . ernrernt in Wā--bit.gtcn. 5000 miies ««»/. As aui:i iepeodent-i:eotra!,«d*te respecle»l by tbe Poweiw. as we have W»-n in tbo pa«t, «© bare a ' b»ch c«n.merci «l de*tiov as tbe ! >. enlrepet oi Pacific eu.nieen». As ■ » raere aj p*nage of tbe (Tnited j States «t* become primari»v a nav«I st»(ion snd li ble to tbe } devastat:ons of f»reign war. If tbe U. S. bad 10 tiraes the num ber rf sbtps she Las at present sbe eonKl notdefend tbese islands j against a foreign aggressor. 5- The missionary accn*ations *gainst tl.o Hawaiian nee are j sbamelfss and false. Far from being semi-civilized, the Hawai ‘ i»«n8, in tleir brief career in civilj ;?ation Kave f:»r out>trippe»l , many of tbe clder n>»tior.s iu : tbeir avernge edncation.il ae- j | qoirements, «nd in manv re-s)>e<-t.s have a greator nobiIity of j character.Tbeirf6rbearanceQDde.tho preseot nsurp:»tion whieh ; seeks to s’J))pre->.s tbem, i$ s»raoJ thing unpar.»Ilelevl in the b:story | of Qntions. The uatives are ; great readers and their numerous ne«spapers, keep them well pust ed on current events and educ «tes i them in polilieal ideas. Tbe voti»g popululion thoroogbly iinderstan»ls the ba)lot box and its purpose, and eserciso the francbise with moro iutetligence than could be found in any city >>f the UniteJ States The Census shows :» higber educational aversge tlmn exists in the Umt«Hl i States or £ngland. I ... v . Hawailan LogisK»tures have been inoJelsof decorum as c«»rapxred wilh other parliitmeuU and/ the statnte books are ample evidence of ability as a law n:«k>ng power. The t*mes whou there tu s been doviation from dignity bas been, when the missionary party have bribod ; the poorer meuiber in onler to t«> o rryo st tbeir scheraes. Few U. S. Seu.itors or Representativ» s f.»ll bofore this f<>rra of S»tan. Further it niust bebornein raind | j as Mr. M<«rqaes in his able stndy on “Popnl«tiun” bas pointedontthit. tbere is a rigoroas >»nd prol fic race of fca’f whites ; growing ap. who are a!re.>dy hu im)>ortrtiit factor. and in 3 or 4 ! I dec*des «ill be the K ading rnce ; in Hawaii. Tbis new popal»tioa is patrioticslly and instinctively HnwaiiaK, are being well educat ed al f»nr own scb»>o'.s «nd abroad,; and ar® tue cqn:»ls in every w.iv ' of the pure Anglo-s-«xon. This K»M appc.»rs to l»e over;ooked by | the oliqae of ‘•ru'e or ruin.’' The Si<tr sav» ai! the Hawaiisns mnsi ’ Ue disfrancbisfed and l>eco«ue the «anla of tbe DMtioo" s like a paieel of lndians. The ■ retort tiist th« Shtr ; «nd the wh<de fi!ibra»lering crew. ; of tbe exposed Kli<*ts who have tri- j ded with tbis conntrr bad bettcr l*econ*e tbe wards of tbe H >«»i } un laaaae Asylam. The cbicf cnuse of the proeeot ! an»Tersrt! hosti!ity of the Hawaii i*ns to Mr. IK>ie s gorerr.m«at ! is, iu tbe bct th«t tfaere «pp>»«r» U>be a dvterminati n on the part : ■ 01 tbe po«ers tb«t He t» suppres.s : «nd op|»ress tbe Mav»uan. Mr lXde st*rted tbe ball br dismia | ; smg wt>Hby yonrg Mawaiiam» : from the Fomgn 0£Bce., Mr. Damoo foiK»«eJ »oit by ! ' caaseles* and cov*nlty dismissaU * from lbe Fia«nce ofice Ali thU ; at lbe demand of alien «giUtor* ; «hoM var cr>' ia “»!owa witb tbe > Hrt«*iuDs.’ and wbo b*re • cnorbid enu» to grt i&lo tfce pobt:c aenrice., Tb« «tt:tade of tbc P. 0. b«s b«en $ncb aa to aleioale every baoest Haw»iian ia tbe land caoaing ihem fco feel that tber were tbe ofcjecU oi jo«lvo»y and batred by tbelr wuaid be opj r«-sAonv U nder «aeh eūmmuoeM tbe yoosg

H*»\i *n to Watit lc ronH4 «c<s. » I • * «i«p!y io of ; h&mu a%et $amUj. »* ««11 u ■ trr, whieh »ro b*»icg thre*tt*oV. br aofn«e*ilT #wrp«rs. Cndsr R»tet»t»oB the toodc m«o of the cooatarr *oJ th*ir liaiUie» «ooM b»r« (tir »nd eqo&l ehaeeeew th« V. G or «nr oth«r forna of Jo«poIh? oltg«rchT ohioh thev m«r mttempt la foīst opoo tbe coootrv. . the Ht««iisn» «rill htte to ««laeuī *si»le to make pl«c« for Ihe ooeialiffts. eo«im3ot$ts eeei miltfc»rv filibost-'rs «rbo no« Uomioale the pnwuvni The Ht«ai'.in wooU be tievoiU uf patriotist ioUeeU if be iiid rot ■s‘n!jgjl«*. pe«fsi!»!v, if pnwihle to the (r«okn of hu- 4 country ai»U his inbureat r ghts whieh b»ro boen s*> atalieioasIy sDbrertod. 6—It is a m *b«’ird cor.eeit t) eliim th.it i* now heine e»T»*r ied Ihan erer bef rr. It is a.i oncontDvert b'e awertion lhat Hiwiii i? now suff-rine troni • ihe g»Ternment st haa ever ha I \ o.>mbin.)tion of a mi!iUry J»-?potisoi, and an olīg«rchy ot , very m-tli‘>cre bttle men, t%e Pro vtai>>na! G >vernuie;jt i? *ayout»id> the j»ai“ of what are rvo>gn:zed «•< \ eitUised g>iv-rnments. Fh>* r ex Jtriv.»gint militiry e>tibi>shmeat i? an eao-a-ii'e drain ujv»o l‘ulrea?ury that far ex<—e-1» the •vilde?t extravsgmc a uf th • jmo isrehy. A m>>b of imp rted i uefCeti.ir;<?3 are living >n Iuxary h.t i llie Palae** at s higii r»te of W!igv9, : and ehoiee feeil, while puhlie works >re at a st«r!d-?tili. lt i? f>rtut;ate i that the nativr8 are a peace«ble j>e«»ple. .No «»lher nalion w.>uld ?o l»ng 8ōbmit to a g.>vernment thal ex st? «<>/by popuiar will, but i? e>>mpelled to maintain its jx>9,- ; Uon, by squandering ihe puhlie >nonev on tuercenarv ?o!dit r3 and eonUmplnhle 3i>it-3. T;ie tuonirchy | gave u? l)elter g>rvernment with >nt 3iich di?gr.icefu« attachtue:it3. The H.iwaiians bslieve in the Atnericin ! prinoiple of **g>»vernment <>f the j i people, by the j>e»i>le, and fur , tlie people.** We hn l that under ; tbe monarchy, we have no( got it under tbe P. G. The Hawai UU3 »lso believe in the well , et»fcabiished doctrine that goc-d g )verniuent exists onIy }>y conseut .of the g>>verned. Tho medieval character of tho P. G repudiates | tlus d >ctrine. That tho PG. is n>t a good goverument iu the raodern sense is ciearly fixed by , tbeir fear to take an nntraimneled vote ol the jH>oplo. For all of the abore reasons, we : H.1W iiiaus. with any self resj>ect, or no natoralized foreiguer witb any honor coold poesibly conseut to take tho proposed oalh »bju--- ; ing the raonarcby andgiviig b!iod f tith to tbe P G. in order | to Tote for a Constitutiunal C >n- 1 ventico. Tlio Haw.ii.ns aiid I Hoyalmts will ni>t vofce und“r j 3uch j fonu of ioqaisition. AU‘Ha A»A. |