Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Tho Japtneso governn»ent h.is ua ,<ie u sj»efial s-s«e <>f stamps in lionor of the Iioi»eriul silver- , weddtng. M-»rshsil Hitehcock is in lown xpi»in. The Mushtl «h»efi not look ! weji and will pr>>ceed to Huwaii to tnorow by tl«e Malulaoi. - ConimAmler Ne!s<'n of the C. S S Ad «iU' de|»)irt» d today forStn Francisco. Tl e popalar «>fflcer wa» c<>veretl with leis nul nearly stnotbered >n boaqoeis. Capt. Tierney ;« f >niu r r« >i ' dent and uinst* r m>irmer. who i has long ln*eu eng ig«*d ia trnbng a<nnng Uie Sooth Sen >l«n.i> is de.«d. Hc die«I of dropsy, r>«n Lyon>' d«i eii.p schoc*l openeil ltt»i S tarduy eveuing. Aboat sixty cbildr>n allended u r.d showe«t eagerness and wil ; lingnt'«s to iearn the bght fttQtast.c steps. C«»ptain G trlan«l of the br'g Monting Slat v t *ry kind!y, and , uuoUiW. »ckn«»wl»Hlg«-> rec cc»pt of oopios of the o/ fi« Patr*nc. while »t Jaluit of Ihe M «rsha!i I» an«ls in Ihe 5>.(uth Paeific. 5 ————— It »s nmoml th«t a certain npt>wn finu wīll be c!osed up hy tts I crc.iitors sb«»rtly. The bab are u»e«itiO’ «J to be $12 000 uf «hieh 130.000 is «lae in Sac Fr«nc sco ami tbe LUoee m Honolaln. Tbe »rrivsl*. io Honnluln , from V«nc *over. B C., by ihe *u**n.er were Mj> M | E Bre«>*ter, Mr «»1 Mr* A_ W. | P*rker, E .C- Wj«dtbome. J. | Wa>hbarne, J X. McC»ndie,-^ | Thomaa Sh« r;daa. The Japo»ncse fir«o Kimara b*> c*>tapiet«rd « g»«j«l s>ie«l »an?hoase iq tb« re«r *»f lbnr st »re n« »f tue | C»sU>ia H«»ase The »arebon>« I vtli prioc»|*ally be used f r the | »U<ring o( J iiw>c ltqa>.»r el 1 whtch thvy are L»rge ua|>«rWrs.