Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — THE SECRET LEAGUE [ARTICLE]


And Other St >ries, by L H. Irvine. i Hoxolclc Mar. 8 —Georgo , Stnttm'Ver. a promineut c»tizen. at preseut uu otfic«ir m t!»e Cua. t tom House, s.*id yesterd«y: “I quit tte ieugue largety be cuuse of the spint of i«bsoIute J »m»roby » ii ch I found oropping out iu tbe meetmgs, wbere 1 j hetii spsech ‘s <UAdeby me'i»bers i «f tlie le;ig i« hiuI nppl.iuil. d by f J otheis, wbereiu it wus s»iil th<t | ; if the Pn v sional Otnernment |sboald ref *'t! the Le*.gu* further : represcuU»tiou it ongbt to r.«ui its g<ms d ’Wti tbeir throats aml [ make the g verumeut t.ike their I meilieine." I The lesgiic is the org»niz.-»t on ! wh ch. <c ■ .rliiig to ts h»ta le »%l er. W ilter G. S nith. originally forced the g >vermnenl to cnt • -fT tl:e revenue an«l com|*el- » !ed it to 1» irr cade the Palaee j w»th sandbags and otl»orwise i • defv thf Uaitevl St t>-s. It whs J org»n i d aad is t-«d <y le<l bv an jlnshra.n r, nn 1 Tun »:hy Mur | i*y. « bl.<cksmith. wbo !’..vs sev j Jer-.il bordi«-d tnunl s '•■‘•w.rt«-rs [ who c.»usm jte the ehiei f .rc- on i whieh tha g>verniut ut b.ts ! | h.ther o dvpeudcd f. r its ‘suppoxt i ! THE UUQV£*S >K-SIuK IS OV£B l der v\ »lter o. S'iith th» l» i <giie woaid prob .i»ly l»,*va Ct»n tiuaed as m thorn in tbe st.»e of the C«ns*-rv .t»ves, b «t he h»s I • l»oeo cotu{»e leti bv lbe tdock • | bo!der» of b»s p«j>er to supp>rt i Ihe l'uiou p*rty. whieh opp.»ws| | tb« L-;>giw. Tberef--re tbe lle u.»s>ion s etns to be I , »bout over. itsspirit bu prac ' t.culL bef n auntfed « ut «s if it j j *ere meieiy .. sjv-rm c .odl«. i Sug«r i» kmg in tbese īslaoJs. | *nd the pUaters h»\e simply de crwd th«t tu« Le«gue mu>t sab«iie -ud tame do«u or tbal iU a«e»«bers woahl be st >rvod ioto I ac]iUfsceuce. for whieh rmsou ; . the more prudeut bave W;«eiv soccumbed to the mev:t.ible. lu m «sbersiiip cous:s;«d Urgely oi j tbe bangrr mass>es who to tbis • I UuiaUi is.aod world etODot wl I . f *rd to op)»twe tbe u>iUtunstre. | Tbev b»vt bo btt ad and batter | «ncbomgc, aod an dep«bd«a( i u «e lbv pi»oters and th«:r *il»e* i f-*r d*iiy fo«d. Tbv«e f«ct« h«v« been exprv»scd bcretuf >re by W. S. Annstrong. t sbrvwd attoroev. i j *>‘d Hugb CeuWr, t we*ilbr > • pi «»>lrr, *ud lbey naduuhu-\ily \ ' ««&aet tu prwv»iUcg beiaaf \ <

1 s<roeg mhrilig*nt tf tll r«ri « TT»e B 't! »t? uo« f»! l .»i »t vit« Bot U> k*ve s«al two or ni nweUūw c»eo lo Wasbi3gi«« k» b*f re lfae Sen*t* C a»»«ttee. Tb*y faul the B«tt«r au«l#r eou »lml oa f< ene » b -tti.ee*: '* '"*■* ! w«a ! <l b »» u'SM t>' lhe*r resK-ae. ■ f a!tbi}nfiii ! ; je roet *>f ■eoil r.(5 tī;ree men tfa»-fe »oal«l D> t h*w nc(P«l «dt2,000 Xl«» *re »«n *ffl«»*g tfa«m »un mJ O C«rter Dr i Trooss«no_ Cbarl<f« T- Gultck. F»ol Nenni.*nn *nJ otb»*r«. wbo «oold «!ci.b*Kss i>«T« <««« »Lre«*i qor5ii. b< to lbe frīeD«ls* f Ihe Pr> t s.ion» Govrroueut «Lj !esl fi«l brfi're tbe ■ Seaate Co,u:n ttee. T »*v w ;il«l 1 »lso L«ve d .tlv enntr«J.ctc 1o e irI * j!r erery in M rg«n < r so!ci;oBa. Thrc«lo> DiTi«s, Piiiie**» K*ioUn V «i'iAnlian. U ft f *r Et.g- ; !an<! (o-d»y Uc s-!r< tbat if tbe L*oiteJ St»tcs »tlr«»|« tbe cm8o mnd thc g<>Ternmcnt »'>oa!tI . r» fos»> t<* iiiahe rot l t •>»» >•- d**-raaac*«-d by i leeeiami tbeH»w«i- ; inn Liovcri«au*nt woolii lose its fncnds in «>tbcr n.iti n- ile lo< ks for a dals outluoL in bn«iness «nd U»r h rvign of di-<atis f-icti«>n wLieh wiil greatij dara- • og>* the co<u«try. A rom;»r w.is Snr.»l »y nipht to the ert*ot th «t mitti.il j !aw wu to b“ decl .mi on Mou d.ty, bot s yet iiot!img h(S eome uf it. 1 lie Marsh.il wrxs aeen itiid deoi>d the rumor. hut uovt»rtheierts it is believetl that there is some truth iu t, aml thut the . Oowemni' ut htd sut*h <n inteni tion. It i< kn >wn lh.it so-ou ; fe.»rs were felt by the Govern . m *nt th it if ue ws of a n it >re nnfavorable to the ex Q i-eu’a ciuse : ahoulil «irnvetbe R >valist,s w >a!d * iiink- a h<.-t desj>er «te Httem|it to ; rest »re ii«o Qaeeu. For tius reason l >o j>Liu of declaring m ir tial ln w wns prop< s d Hiul the G vl crn<uent w.is re idy to t;ike stej«s Jto pr«vent trouble. A proiuineut j G.'verniuent olheui) SJii>l hs mneh to your c«*ires{M>mlfUt this mom1 ing. and also that it was only at J the last ri)otuent that tue iilea was ab imioin d. The Councils b ivo jast el »ct>‘*l i D. B. S j«ith, the LeHgue*s eamii date, bv u vole of 14 to 3. A eoiumuuie «lion was received, s gned l»y abont twenty »>( tfie mi»st pn>iuiuont'merabers of the Annexat on party, recomtnending ! his election on the grunnd of preveuting «ny split in the party. Smitli h>»s stated th <t he bas witlidr.iwa his oath t<« the Amer iean Le ig-ie »nd g->es int»> the ; Counctls b«>nnd to no secret organization It whs »>nly on iheno gr«>mids tli it he could be elected The plaDtiti»»as were never before m such str«its for l«ibi>r. They :«re nearlv »11 sh»«rt h mded i and tbe contracts of s,»ver.il thous nd e »olies will expire m a verv few ra «ntlis. Tw » ng‘»nts • le«ve by todiy's <tea » «r f »r the I Cuifed St «tae to s ga Fortu :a >se : f< r t»lau ; itio» s. rvice. ft <s <ji«| « ( tn.it t ( »erv aru harulreds «>f tliem iii Ca!if »raia who wmiil be wiii.ng t • eume bere on coutr.«ct. L. H. lEvixr. I ! | i j 1 i 1 ' I ! ! ■