Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company.

M*r»h 14 1SĪM. The («ct tb«l bot tb«u on* KarJr««l jH«teeis bar» l>««a ! v Ihe Ha»iUu Govcraiat*nt oot v>4a«}«s l«>r the iav«arT« ability ol the r»*īJeot» • i tbis coBi bry Nor are «II the ■ iteuts to H.t«aiiins. r» ny of theta. perh«j» « major»ty. «re ia**relv to people in the Unite«i Suit*s who «i.-»h U> prote>. t the<r ir.teivsts ail ovcr ihe wi>rM. We have baJ a j>«tteut f>»r the Jones L-s-koU Fenee. bec»osa «e sav tbnt it w.»s « ;; >od thiog. aoJ the j,»ei>|»le »ho 'ooiU (eneea helieveJ it the be>t :hingthey ha.l ever »een C *rU*in p«rtiea bad in contemplation ;he m«nofaetare of the a:i cles ased in the Lookol Fenee, aoil ■>'f «l.d in>t tliink th it in imitation srticle wooKl he baif as go»nl as the original, honee. the patent on Hawaii. We h»ve heen selling the Jonea Lookeil Fenee for a ycar and ita popnUrity is growing every day. As an evijence of what the Fence is tkouglit of by a g»ntiemnn who is thorooghly well j»osted in cattle and fences we publ..sh the following letter: i “Kapapala RiDcb. Kaa, Hawaii, March 10, 1804. E. R. HenJry, £skj., t Manager Hawaiian H»nlware Co., Honolnla. De.ir Sir: I h«ve jost completeJ nome three milea of ihe * Jones Loek Fenco” «nd moet s»y that I am very maeli plenseil witb it. ie fact it is the feoce for a iancb. I had • aboot a mile to constroct over * *‘l>f»bi>ehoo” where it wa» nearly imjH>ssible to get a post down, anJ foauJ iu this ca.se. espeei«lly, the “Jonea feoce ’ w«h a gn*at sav:ng of l .bor. Thereare j>laces in th:s Fence where the posta ure at le.ist 75 feet apart anJ ihe s}>ace between filled in with stag». There is no sag to it. and it isasspringy a« a wiremtttress. 1 am confiJeut tbat ii wiii turn >nv onlinan Hloek. I bare aome two nnJ a hatf mt!es m >re to constraet over « conntry where wild cattle are ren* plentifai. and as soon as it bas aodergoce tbe test (here. wili wnte you further. If it will tarn Ihe *tock no this part of Ihe laod. acd 1 feel confiJeut il will, yoa ean rcwt »*mr»fd that it wiil tarn mo«t *n>thing, exeept a Lava flow. Very Tn» y Toars. J- MONSARRAT. I — Thw sbo-ild eoonoM Uie moat akeplieal, tf tkere ure people who alill Joabt. Iet thea> eome t*> oar store and msp«ct » aampie. īli Hiimi &l, | i ‘ 90T Fort Stre»L 1