Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


C-wl the» ereo if tf»« t<ienuwB*ter doa »bov ot»lr 160 d«gre««. { 0»er 21 AO b«p» of ‘r.gir now to p*rt bere. S*tar l«r »nd Sand«y r»o iotcr*UUnd *Xe imtr» Mr. C A. Spr»cke1» ?eft oo the Chii:& f»*r S*n Fr«ncisC‘> tod*y. • Mr. Bodolf rrmaincd in W«o. i A oe.it fenc« 1*«» b“en plsce»l »i *and the Su!'»re Hume ««n A’nk- a !»treet. • TUr»* U a r c**j*t *n nn bo r ! thr l' S F S Pbi!wle<pbu tau» ««euing. The S--ns *'f St. Gc-»rge will gite one of thesr v ry p'«*«>ant <l«nce<« <it the r H «!! to u ght. A no nber <*f p* , 0|»!e »ere p»em*nt nt the «]• p rt*-re «>f tue e’huiH The bauti wis in ! ( iitU.*ud.tnce. "■ * WiUon (»ale. Wiil'Hia Diwe. W Uiam Fan iogi*n Julm L«sb*r nml J. Burke »rrive0 byr the nehoun» r Aloha fr*-m Sfn Kmnemeo. , ■ - Woatl*er todny m<*st pleaanni nml the Baynond aud Wbitcoinb toari»U b»Ve opportnuitv to get , an every d»y oample of “Paradi»e cf tbe Paeihe” weather. ‘j Captain ll >nillette. commaDiler «>f tbe O. S. S. Aa»tmlia. reporta | ptH»iug tbe Bntisb sbip Dounu ion ou Mi«rcb 19tb. Tbe sbip wa» bouml to Naoaimo, B. C. iu baliu»t. — One of tke sailor» on board tbe ) bktoe. S. G Wilder wa» injared 5 itnrday by being cru>bed by a «|ing lonil of »ngHr. C>«ptnin MeNeill b «d tbo mnii immedinte lv rooioved to tbo Queeu'» HosI pilal. — Tonrists nre requested to remeniber tb.it t!ie »'ibsidy ! gmnted by tbe r» gnlnr1y elected L«-gisUture to the Paratii*e o/t />f Pacific wns siopped by tbe p g. powera, but, tho |>aper is stdl g ven tonrists gr.«tuitously. Mamhnl Hitchcock will seem- j ingly l»e reqnired to agnin retnrn i tu Knnai and di8{ilay his |Kiwers j n» nrbitr.itor. Another stnk>* amoug»t the Jnpanese Inborvrs is m pn>gr» ss on pSantitions on | that i»laud. 1 l Mr Heury C. Lyon the gentle mau1y aud «ell versed tonrist .•*geiit. oonoected with Me»<rs. I«a\ tuond and Wbitc>>Dib of B*>st >u, arrired by tbe steamer Austrnlia iu cbnrge of a sma‘l-»ised gn>uj> of 8tght-seers wbo desire to ’ , see the Pnradise of the PaCĪfio. ' ■ Tbe C. A A. S. S. Warrimoo »mved in jH>rt here ye«t«rday m.>rning, S dnys fn>m V.mcouver. I B C eu n»ute to tho Colonie». 1 She >ailed *g<in on ber v.>y«ge at 6 p. m Tbe »tenmer brought t<> thi» j»t>rt mne j»nss;ei.gers in the j o«b ; .n. ami innll aud news dates | to the U*tb inst A concert will be given »t the K «waiahau Cbarch, by the Knmeh >melia Si‘bool boy* on the 1 7lh of Apiil, for tbe l»en* 6t ol lbeir owo de*r »elves. Tf»ere is uow activ* prt>pemtiou b_v U»e , boy« under cou>|>eteat in->truit*>rs to ma«e tbe »r air most pleaaanl and iutervstmg. • I Tbere wai mme littie water 1 fn>nt talk ve$terdav when the ■ » | Chma amred aod dul n >t eome : inlo port £ven thmg from poli tics lo »io»ll-pt»x waa g von a» a 1 c*«use. but tbe reai rvason «aa. i«»u accoout uf tbe C. A A. S Wimmoo occopying the Chīua's | plaee at tbe M «ti dc<k. I — * Stownw»\» »re becooricg. aoine wkil, obaoxk>u» to tbe < th.'ens uf I tt»e Caottd<«n aud Aa>»rauan S. iS. Co. ao leu» luao fi»e beiug f«>uiui OU the Wnrriujoo, Tbe paiu» »ud f>>r tl»e )audmg uf a itov»wr ia “» fear ol i Uoli whieh keepa tbe captaio» ! oo all Ium» ot Oaaiaem m ord«r