Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — THE U. S. TARIFF BILL. [ARTICLE]


Some of the_Important Changes Sugir has been placed on tlie eluiiakle list at from one ccnt to a cent aml t\vo-fifths por pound accoiding to polariscope test. Iron ore, including manj g.miferons iron ore, also the i dross or residuum from burnt i pyrites, forty cents per ton. Coal is taken from the free list and made dutiable also at forty cent.s a ton and eoke at fifteen , cent.s. Load ore. whieh in the Wi!son bill \vas fin,een per cent ad valorem: lead ore and Iead dross. three-fourtbs of one cent per pouud; provided that silver ore uul nll other ores containing lead j shall pay a duty of three-fourths <>f one cent a pound on the leud contained therein. neeonline to n sample aud assay ut the port of | entry. Ttio whiskey tax is raised to $1:10 per gallon. The bonded period is extended five years. that is, from three to eight years. C gars ?5 a thousand, cigarettes in p,iper $1 a thous ind, cigarettes in tobacco fifty cents a th< usnnd. Lumber remaius on the free ! Iist. Barley aml barley pearled, patent or liulled, is raised froro j t\venty-five to thirty per cent ad j valorem, nnd bar!ey ma!t from i thirty-nve to forty per cent The ineome tax provision of , two per cent remains in the bill, j but tlie tax on non-resideuts is . stricken out. i . ! Ttie «dditions to the free list are as fol!ows: i Any catt!e, horses, sheep or other domestic auimals whieh have strayed across the border to any foreigu country, or where such domestic animals have been or mav be driveu ncross such boundarv by the owner for pasturage pnrposes, tho samc may be brought back to Ihe ; United States free of duty, under 1 treasury regulations. (>ther items added are—- | Diamonds aiul other pieeious * stoues, rough or uncut, including . miners diamonds. Cod oil, not specifieally provid- ' e.i for iu4he aet: mcdals bestow- I ed aad accepted as honorary distinctions. To the p.iragraph whieh adm;ts free ‘*spermacetti, whule and other fish oils of American fisheries,'’ the enumillee adds, '•And all fish and other protlucts” of such fisheries. To the para, graph dealiug with paintings the word •‘painting” is defined as follows: "And the word painting ; as nsed in this act sball not be understood to iuclnde such as are made wholly-or in part by steucilling or other meehanieal process.: ’ In definmg professlonal books, tools of trade, etc., admitted free, the Senate adds a prov:sion whieh declares that thiugs ad- i mitted free under this head sball 1 uot be construed to inc!ude . theatrieal sceuery. properties nnd j. »pp*rel, but such artioIes brought j i

f. - br f>wpnelor* or man*p»*r» ol tiie?trie«l exliibitions arrivir.g fr:m abroail for teop .rarv cse by tlicai in s-cli exLībikioiiS. r.n l tOt f**r any other per«m ami not f«-r sile, >b»ll be adar‘ttetl £ree t-f dr.ty undcr snch rega!atiosa as tbc secretary of tbe treasary may prescribe. Tbe free aclra:ssion of nv siik i~ >fec;fic»i!y 5t to c t app' v to doabied, twisted nor «dv.tncetl in mannfactūrē in anv w.iy. To pbilDSopbica! «cd scient fic apparatn- is added ntensils. inc!odirg bott!es and boxes conttiuing iustriiiBcnts and j-rej ar-iticr.s. stained or paint»-d window gla>s or stained or paiLted g'ass wiudows special!y imported for the use of any society or institution establisbed for religious. philosopbical. edncational, soient.fic or liter.«rv parposes, and not intended for s.ile, r.re added to the free list. Plongbs and other agricultnral imp!ements. whieh the House bill made free. bave a jrrovision tb.īt all the articles mer,tioned when imported fr- m any eonntry whieh Iays an iraport dutyon like articles coraing fro:n the United St ites, sball be snbject to duties under ex:sting law. Articles stricken from the free list are as fol!ows: Apples, green, ripe and dried, | etc. Beef, mntton and jiork. Bone char, suitable for use in decoloriz;ng sngars. Bituminous and shale, and eoa 1 s!ack or eulm. Coke. Cocoa fibre; floor matting manufactimd from ronnd and split straw, including Cbinese matt ; ng. Dates, cocoanuts, Br; zil uat.s, cream nnts. Gambier. Guts, salted. Hom strips aud tips. Iron ore. OIivcs, green or prepared. Orchids, lilie.s uf tbe valley, I azaleas, j>a!ra.s and other plaiits nsed for forciug under glass for ; cut flowers or decorative purposes. 8ausage skius. Sugiis. Sttined or paint-d window glass or painted glass windows. Paintings and statnary in tiie paragraph referring to articles imported for ex!iibition by nny ; assoc:ation anthor:zed by tbe | Uuited St itos or anv St ite. The sug ir provisioa is as folj lows: All sugars, tank bottoms, j siraps of eane juice or of beet juice, melaela, concentratcd niehula, concreto and concentrati ed mo1asses testiug by the polar- ’ iscopo not above eigbty degrees, shall pay a duty of one cent jier pound and for every additional degree or fraction of n degree ! above eighty aud uot above ninetv degrees, shown by the jiolar1 iscojio test, shall pay one one liU;idredtb of one cent per poand additionaI, and above ninetv and not above ninetv-six degrees for everv additional degree or fraction , of a Jegree shown by the polariscope test, shall payadntyof two oue-hundredths of a cent jier pound addttionaI, aud above ninety-six degrees by polariscope test, sball pay a duty of one nnd four-tenths cents ptr pound; molasses te<ti;;g not above fiftysix degrees by tiie polariscode, shall jiay a duty of tsvo cents per I g illon; inolasses testing above : fifty-six degrecs, - li ill pay aduty of fonr cents ner gallon. The date when the law goes into etfect is changed £rom June lst to June 30, 1894, and this data is made to affect not ouly articles iraported, bnt articles witbdrawn for consamption (exj cept, of coorse, wuere otberwise specified in the bill).