Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — SQUARE SPORT. [ARTICLE]


D..iajs at th .3 Pac'fic Athlet c Cltib. The Pac;Sc Athletic clcb is one f f tue latest a,ssocist!otis wrbich has eome forth into tbe ;;r?ra of loeal orgau‘z dions and it m»de its bow to its friends. an 1 s me inv;ted "nests Dst evenin" ander the ansj»ices o{ Mr. J. G. Sponcer as rain "-r nnd G W uit *r W.i>liingt io asspirr!ng i:!struct r. A' a iu«tt»-r 'f e nrs j tbere tvere sever:il exli b tions uf tbe m.sn’y art betar en amite!irs bo are members of tbe c!ob and tvhich pmved inter stin". The Qt't of t!iese w.»s a t'iree ro:md contest betweea M iidenfi-M and Sicrty' in wliieh, notwit!ist niitij; disparity in sze ! •■.Shorty ’ eoaie «ff witb “Ii'.iaors ea.•■}*.” A tiiree ronnd contest b"tween D»v;d K«ii and D.ll Kt-ls was «ell c«ntested as;d Koii «t a decision. Profess»>r Wasb:i "ton iiow si. :p*d np in fn nt of an eqnally iofty opjionent ia Dav!d K da oi e of his |>cpils and a l vely cxli!biit <»n < f t!ia attick ! and d**f< use t ctis in pngiiist;c w:ir wcre e veu f »r two romids. Tiie eveut < f t!ie cv«?ning \vas t'ie box ug c!>t:t *st helween J <ckson • f Haw ii ond Lnic.«ster of Sacrament<> f*>r llie bantnueliamp:oiislii|« • f tl«e is!.«nds. lu this Mr. Knig ; it very accej>tably Gl«ed tlie poail un of in «ster-of-ceremonies. TIu* kids siiaped up weil for the fi;st rour.il, Jacks .n st ii t;n2 the ball iinu>odiat«lv. L incestor, contrarv to ail exj>ectations, seemed a ‘ dnngliiH’ and ;tfter making a v. «lking match tbrough four rounds be quiet y 1 refusii>g t> leave bis corner f« r tbe fift!i r >un.l. T:.o ined.il, the b..dge «>f tlte bant iin-chamj)īon. «*pi>r.'priately inscr;bed, was j»inned npon tlio pa!j>itat;ng b ?som of tho victorion.s J u‘ks< n, who bowed his {ackno\vledgments. The entertainment ended tboat 10."0 anil tho$e presont left wit!i <*i lioj'e t!iat t!ie Pac;fic c«t!ii»-t e | clnl> \vould soou l>e one of tiic . fist .res in club circles. — - - k