Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LAB9R BDSEAŪ. THE AllEKIOAN LEAOl’E ■*'s K ;ive to iiimonnee that it !i;is e.st il) ls!secl :in EniployDjent Bureiuin eonneelion \vitli tlte Amei iean Le We will l>e p!easi*«l t > fnrnisli you witli skilIed or nnskilled labor withont anv fee for the engiging snch l.ibor. The ! abor enrolled with us is of the following n ition,ilities: A(uericun, P<>rtiigaese, H i\v ilian, Gerraan, Aml ot!ier E uopean X >tiona!ities Begg ng leave to open a correspomleuco with vou ou this *. « subject, AVe lemain, Your obedient servants, Tur Amf.rica\ Leagce Empl«y MENT BoKEAC. Addressall comra inieations toTHEO. P. SEVEPJN, Secret <ry. ra .r 23-tf. P. O. Box 493. ia/0 \ do. Xb. 2.j Xnn .nn Sireel, lu uulala CoplMlSSSOf< |VlEI\Cij/\jlJS «P)2 Iy Nol ieePnrn: mv iW«» fmni this iry br-.itl>?r LEE POI of the Pinu of Si-.n \rt' ilop Lnng Kei» at W.iUn 3«. OhL.i. sa-.il act far c:e vritb fail po«er of AtL>rney. KWAI VL’EX Uf Waiaaae, Oabn. M.ir. Ath, LS94. mar 0-liuo F0R_SSLE. | COLTS AXD FILUEShT“XrTGEO\T. 2 22 oat n! »nch iuares ** ■*S.lkj’’’ 2 Ji lriAl2.lt. "Peeie'' 2.->6 (lalD nf "II.s-, HaUosree« ’2.24, au l ‘Siuti B • «‘ 2 21. “r*msle- 2.3U „ "Ltdy . au i other j* mJ num>. «t*o. “Dm{»5ier”|«ipi>iea, (cjoss bef-reea S*»rter in l (’muiea, 4bonxighbred ou boU> uilu. Bitr Pdtuu Loeh-ih Settcr Bitch “Mimie j Xiibie.- a pT.xs «iuoer la beucb aa;l S.-1L ,:e« r an ! »: >G icb. No iu»b h v» a brtt«-r tUor.Kigtii>ret{, Imht BnL’, by "Uiua Kiug’’ i oat<>f •■Jer,*er Lilhe." 5 uiiiēii > Covs i or fortber particaWs, APPLY to >" A. J. CABTWBIGHT. Msr i >-if H. E. Md£NTTEE *t J3E0.; 1 *■ GB0C£BT, FeED STOB£ <k BiA££BT. j Conier of--&iag *uJ Fort bto., Houuluio.