Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TRCSTEE S NOTlCK. All p«rt;en baTtng claims ngiicst SaX'L K Ka3HKsIa aod Mas. ī.tdia 1’iikoi Kam.uuia o! Honolala. Ouho are reqoe«te<ī to present tbem to the omiereigned before tbe 31st day o! Marob, 1S94. AU rents doe the partie* «l>oTe menlioned mnst be pa:d at onee to me person.Allv. AEKAHAM FERNANDEZ. Tiostee. ahi:x(t c*o. (j3Pdjtijt īailop? \ l^epaipep? Serisr ?rxsrr, f?o>UV BJock. Opp. Wrstv Emwa Halu Uonolula. AL\KGE ASSnRTMFNT rf OupmmK T*ee<U. C«*4mere. Br»»a eioUia, Bni is, KnttoRss, ss«orteti trimatīag«. NEW PATTtRX Diaj*>n*Is T*e«v!s aaJ \Lu2l>-3ro THC WELL KXOWX THOHOUGHBHED HUXX1XG STALLIOX 4i Duke Spencer" TVīll Stmd tbe S«'as'n at tbe St il»ies <•( A. J. CarTWBIOF!T, Esq., Makiki. Fee. Fifty DoI1th; piy!*bl0 at t ni ' i'f st-rvice. OihhI care taken «.{ Mares; n«t resp ns:ble f«r aeeklnK --Duke Spene»r, b»y; b«:glit. tifteeu an<ī three qnarter lmmls; of tbemost gcntle dispo- . s.tiou. ui: r 10 Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGLISH SETTER “Honolulu Girl,” Bred ut tlie Glenmore Kenne’s, Berkeley, CmI«. Rcgistere«l (N >. 31.098) A. K. C 8. B.. Nrw V rk. Si re <l l>_v I «><• K.. winner ol D*rhy ut Ihe Pa; ■ cific Cun»t F>elii Trml »t B«kerxtiel>l in IS!*0. he by Ro.luey ln>ni Pbylh»II <2,165), Roilney, the ».re <>f I.ee R . hy I)oc D., frum KitV D., 13,715) from l*hylh's II [2 165] H ike [212] fr>>ui Phylli> 474. l'he «laiu uf H<>u>.lum «_»irl wp» Ilelle GLidi stone, the «nly duughtcr ou tbe P«icific Coust <>f Clt:ut>i)iou GlN.Ist<>ne (113); ftum Hrll, (3,S64).; by Dan, [1,330], froui L'hjuu- , j>iou Petrvl, [8,427]. THE POINTER ’Honolulu Huke,’ (30,853), bred at tbe Sbabb>nu Kunnels, Ott*wa, 111. )>y Peron»hirc Son, (7,S43); fmm Shurbe, i (5,263). Tlie D >m of Hon>>laln D ike is PelK-, hy l«ck; fr>ni Belle D. by Trinkett's Bnug. (4,117). Hunoiuln Duko is thorongbly l»r ke ou |)lie-sants, witb st»UDcb ]>o nts—m all-«l «y d«'g. F>»r fnrtlier ]>articulars. apply to or addrcss W. M. CUNNINGHAM, mar 10 Axchor Saloo.v. C.T. AKAXA fi]ei , c!iaiit lailūi 1 ! 32i Nunanu Street <Adi Saits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latust Style. Clotbcs Cle*ne«l nnd Repaired. nol7 WM. DAVIES, Higger, Steved.orc» and AVrecker. ESTI1C VTE3 AXD COXTRACTS ON ALL KIXDS OP WOBK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. »;11 mn regqUr1y helween ihi* port »od i U*h! a K <« i*ilu*p>i, Moknle'.N, Kett«noi j »n<) Kniki >>n the isi»a>! >>f Cnha. For Frtight, etc , appi/ to Lhe CapUia. I>est of References—-Inqoire at Offic* of J. S. Walker. over Spn-ck* ls’ Buuk, or WrigbtBro® Furt Str<.et. dec I6-tf ; POUXD MASTER’S XUTICSNotice h berehy giren to »11 penon*. th\ th*>re U **t tbe Qov<rraaieot P»nu<l at Mat k>ki, ooe »tr>y«d rrenci bor*«, locg wiūe «D»t oo thef..n:heui fe«t *re «rbifc. bcxaded F on rght hiud leg. f«r»-fect »re »Lod, Any penon or penon» owqiiij thU hor*« «rv n-nru-»te>) . to- e»a>« »t4 l >ke tbe >itaa oa or he4»t»> 1? »’dock 8ATURDAY. APKlL, 7th. 1304. JAkIL8 KUKOW, PuuaU M>Mh I Makiki. kn, 27, UM.