Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — A Sunday Service. [ARTICLE]

A Sunday Service.

Tl»e brtnch of Ihe Sa'v«tion Army whieh is at in this j city is reported to lmve raade 1 great amingements for a first iueeting toinorrow, Sunday aftcr1 noon, at '2 30 o’eloek in theMusic Hoose. Tho rausicul services I will be onique in tbeir way nueh will very probnbly hav« mauy well knnwn faces in tbe choir The |>fogranime of events consist of raany iteras whieh very nearly approach the giving of a Salurday concert Eevrybody is iuvited imd evenbody who bas leisnre ; i»nd is so d s|>osed should be tbere 'promptly at 2:30.