Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Crowded. [ARTICLE]


— As soon as tbe g«rls saw the Holomua last night, they ilecideil to niake u Jash £or Gir«ller on Kaahamuua street. The »Iways Hccommodating gentleman, bad l>Hnlly tiiue thia uiorning to o;>eu his g >ods. The “dresses'’ were | »im, ly sn ippe«l away. All the | R«>yalist g-rls wear the “ramb«>w s»uit’’ now, aml those who huTen’t i got it are simply left * «way up iu j the ssy.” i Tbe Corean Goveinaient re- ' ceived privuta advices that a ! Eanipo.m ;>owcr contemplate*l se zing Purt Hamillon, their main militaiy defense. Tbey have qn«rterwl Geueral Ken Toehin at tbis port with 3000 soldiers tn resist auy such attempi. Yen Kau. a {iib»iu Cbinaee miUtary mau*i»nu wilh mauy bas been deoaj>it.ted at S *o Cbow fur stealiug $10,000 * kom » «Ui bual