Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — NOW RELIGION. [ARTICLE]


The Latest Polit‘ool Programme. We have piven reasons vfar tbe nntivcs slM>nlcl not participate in tbe cni: g clection. We bave i ci-d''. \«T« d lo sliotv tbcm tliat an c>uti p> sto l>e committecl nlien tlity me inv tt rl lo clect a Hmall min*>rity r f lbe men who will f nn n conventicn, tliat eventr.a!ly rvi!l <lec : .de on tbe form of p vt-r n ent «ni(ler wbicb Hawaii wil: e\ist ilit, we Lirttily anti- ! ci|»ii<e«l, tbat tbe misKionaries n« n «1 po us far as lbey bave 1 oi.«I l>r i g into , cffect tbe anf i| :■ tl y wLieli tliey feel npaii >-1 tbose wbo profess cbr -ti iiiity vn«ler tbo Catbolic cr<« :u <1 wbo bclieve tbnt tbeir way f. r tbo salvation, of tbeir son s is tljrongb tbesacrr«l {x»rtals i of tbe cbnrcb «»f Ilome. Wedo not j»roji< to cnter into n religious i Controversy. but \vo will openh ; state tL.tt tlmt re!igion is to be maile a faetor in tbe jx>liticiil fig'it n «v at i'S«ie, and we s!inli : [ n<g‘««t :iiI < t!ier cousi«leratious nnd .•>«•>■ tl;nt tbe Haw»iians as n«!l ns l! «• Poitugnese j«in issne > ainl sbonUU r to sbon!der combat ' tbo evil «lemenl c-f tbo Central 1 ln on Cburcb. Tlie people of : Hawaii bave been tr-mj»led upon nnd ti.ey l«ave stood cnougb ! Tb« ii Labits, t!icir homcs, tbeir j families and <be cciuing gene- I rati» n l;ave becn vilely nssailed | by tbe a!l«g«d ‘‘eliiistians’ vvbo | now nm tbo countiy. Rnt wlieu I tbo parcut anl eldest Cbristiau 1 Cburcb fr«.iu wliieh tbey fiud : Consolation ainl boj»e is nttacked : f«>rbc» laneo and j>atienco no i 1 >nger are virtnesand Hawaii will rise in migbt »nd |>rovo uuto tbe blaspbeniers lbat allbongb iufringeiuent «>n civil rigbts bas bcen to! rated. infringement and nl >use «»f tbeir rel giono worsbij> j will be cat sburt and stopped pereuiptorily. —-