Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — FESTINA LENTE. [ARTICLE]


Voters Shotdd Make Haste Slowiy. \ Tbe virtoons P G. bas discovered. wben too late to comct ; its impcdent blamleritg. tbat ; the f*cple Lave *‘cangbt on ' to ! tbe pretty little electon«l steal so j ! carefa!Iy Cxed np by its parti sans, acd tbat a po!icy of “m«sterly inactivity” on tbe pa 1 1 of tbe vast majority of the 1 electors in the proj»osed election, ! will leave, bnt a beggaily arr«y of voters and votes to be connted on M»y Ctb. Thfc P. G- sees tbis n prosj>ect, «nd is not only depref8ed, b» t is becoming alraost frantic ia its endeavors to eall in tbe Huwaiian poj»ulace to “swear in," regisler aud vot3 for delegates to tbo so called constit jtionnl convention. Eut no bait } tbat tbe virtuoos coteriecan eomm «nd will serve to mask tbesbarj> ! aml galling book bebind it, and tbe H.-vvaiians, bcing tbcmsel\es t -ler«bly cxpert fisbermen, bave reu«lily reccgn!zed tbe show und buinbng, resorted to by tbe P. G. anglers. Tbo voters will not bite, excej>t tbe few bnndreds office-b«>lders, and missiunarv sbop-keej>ers; and tbe beats, burcs aud vagrants wbo bave beeu attracted to tbis beacb by existence of “a truly good, pnre aud boly governrnent" iu tbis bappy elimo during tbe past fouiteen montbs. Sncb anotber anny of tramj>s as will. by tbe paee of tbe P. G , marcb to tbe pol!s on May Gtb, bas not been j>reviously mursbnled iu Hawaii. Sncb nu army of reputable aml patriotic crtizeus as will let tbe farcical sbow severely alone, has not beforo beon absent from the j>ol!s in tbis country. Bnt tiie Holomua is going t<> | indnlge in tbe sj>int of |>ropbecy. an«l pred:ct UiaL- witbin a fortnigbt, tbe P. G. will rec<'gnizs tbo uselessness of trying to ho'd an olectiou, ou tbo }>reseut ontrageons plan, aiul will repeal llie i “law" calling tbe couvention, or largoly cxtend t!ie timo for holding it. Keep your eyes oj)eu an«i noto tbe accuracy of our |»roi dictiou.