Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Felicitatious. [ARTICLE]


The HoLomua felicitates Mr. commander of the forces with the rank of the Oolonel. | Soper. Tbat singularly fortunnte geutlemen is uow sent abroad to leaiu tho A. B. C. of militiry t ictics. It is inferred that the climatic conditions of Hnwaii are nnfavorable to the acquisition by Mr. Commander «fcc«tc., of tlie rudiments of the science j of military. Weobserve that His Excellency tho President roraarked when the matter was bronght before tbe connciIs, that Mr. Com. «fcc «fcc., Soper “h.ul been eutirely uuassuiuing, and had uever preten«led to u greater kuowledge ' (of military matters. presamedly) “than he possessel.” Tbat was nt least frai;k ou the part of His Escellency, and mnst have been hnmiliating as well. Bat we nssume eitlier ; that His Escellency has beeu ! misreported by our comporarv. tlie P. C. A , or elso that he j knew uot whereof he spoke,forj \vo are informed that Mr. eom- J mander etc., Soj>er aSsumes to be able to distinsnish between a staek of arms and a staek of hay. Bat, all are agreeJ. that 1 our distingoished soldier und commander-iu chief is in nee«l of ■ military instructiou. aud the | HoLOMUA cheerfully asseutsta tbat proposition except t!Tat the dear peupie shou!d be asked to pay | for such instruction. Besidvs, | the project of sending our battle ! scared (noi bott!e-scared) warrior j away to school involves the assumptton that be has a c»pacity, to learn somethmg. lf that shalt prove to be the fact. its discovery will repay the outlay. Therefore, by all mea'ns, send Qeotral * JbhlT to a milu«ry k»nderg.trt«o, fco the end fchafc, here*fter, ihere eau be no ques t*P.Q of hi«al5fijiy Iwiwoeo bay-foot aad atraw-fuot