Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — English Administrations. [ARTICLE]

English Administrations.

Now t'ii••»t !Ui'. (t!;ulstone b->s rt*8 : gin;»l t!ie oliiee >/f pnme minister of Eiiglaud. it niay b ■ intere>ting to glance ; t the list of prem;ers f«»r t!io la«t sixty six ] vears, wilh tiio >1 ites of tlieir 1 t king oHiee. wLieli is as f >ilo\vs: 1 J.in. 23, lS2v Dako of i Vt’ellington, C ns i v.itivo. 2. Nuv. 22. ls;{0, Earl Grey, 1 Lilieial. 3. Jcly 1S, 1831, Viscount MelUonme, Lilvi.il. 4. Dec. 23, 1834, Sir K6bert i Peel, Con3erviitive. 5 Apiil 18. 1>35. Viscoaf)t Melhonme. Liber il, si eoml time. 0. Sept. 4. 1841, Sir Robert Peel, C >nserv.itive secoml time. 7. .1 .!v (5, 1S4G. " i.onl JoLu : Russell. ]jiber >1. 8. Feb. 27, 1852, E ul of Deri bv, Conserv it.ve. '0. Dcc. 28. 1832, E.ul of I Aberdean, Libcral. 10. Feb. 10, 1855, Viscoont , Pulrnerst ’ii, Liber.il. 11. Feb. 23, 1838, Eul of Derb\-, Conservative, secoml I time. 12. Jnno 18, 1859. Visconnt \ P«lmerstoa, Lib j ral, sec »ml time 13. Kov. G, 1803. *r,'url Russel, L»beral. see n 1 tiaie. 14. J.ily (i. lS(3‘j, E rl of D.*rby, ConS' rvat;ve. thiril time. 15. Feb 27, 1838, B. Disrtali, Conserv.it. ve 10. D *c 0, 1808. W. E Glml stone, Liberal. 17. April 21 1874. B. Disreali, Conservative, s. e■ >ml t me. 18. Apiil 28. W. E. Gl;nlstouc. L»beral m c ml timc j 19. June 24. 1885. M ir<|uis of ; Salisburv. Conservative 20. Fcb. 1.188«. W E Ghulstone Lib ral. t!iinl time. 21. Ju!y 20. l8'G M rquis of j Salisbory, Conservative, s.*coml time. 22 Ang. 18. 1802. W. E ■ GlaJstane, Liber.il, loarth t mc *The sau:e man under Jilfcrent ! titles. I Froiu tho foreg»ing it will be seeu that theix* h »ve bt*eu twentvone aJainistr.»tions in s‘\tv six years, an average of three vous I Tho longest. were tbe seco.tJ of » I Visconnt Melboar*ie's, «nJ the seconJ of Viscount PaImerston*s. j whieh vrero six years anJ 141 Jays eae’i. Tho sho>tect w.»s the tirst of Robcrt Peel s, 113 J.»ys 1 While tuere have bseu tnreutv one nJmin;strations. there have been oalv e!evea piimeui uister-, as Mr. Gla !sto;ie lias senreJ fonr times: the Eirl > f l»erbv, three ti>ues; au»l V»sc mut Me b >nrue. Sir R,»bert Peel, V.scouat P.ilm- j erston, E>rl Rnssei, B D»sreili ’ and 5Ianja.s «f SJtsb iry. t«ice i eneh. Mr G!aJst<<ue h;.» sentd the'longest, iuore thau melve year3;auJ aext to hiui. Visc-uut . Palmerstou, u Iitt!o orer umo Crs. Tb«* Conservativcs hnve | o in o£Bce ubont 23} yoirs; >«n<itho Ld>4ral .ub >ut 43} y.ourĀi dncaag iho iiuie ūuLcatovL • J