Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — PATIENCE REWARDED [ARTICLE]


A Succes5fol Che F& Captnre. Many a time, and oft, bas the eagle eye of tbe cbief o( Hono!ulu’s poliee been cast to wind* werd and toward tbe vicinity most diatinctly located by tbe twin spirea whieh marks tbe house of worsbip over whieh tbe Waterhouses bo!d control and whieh to seamen and landsmen is known as Kanmakapili Cburch. Oft, in the dreary midnight hour, when all was still within the i confines of tbe “cowyard,” and Maunakea sireet; when not even a funereal wail was lifted | from amongst that crowded portion of the comraunity; when, but, rarely as it was. no ligbts flickered dimly through the darkness of tbe Tong Hing Sing josshonse; then, and often then, could have been seen sbadow}forms whieh theosophic knowledge limned to perspecnity as those of Captain Andrews, and his followers brave. But, i like bread upon the waters after many days the eoin given to informers retnrned, in sncces8fol captore, by this morning, at 10 o’eloek, of a noted ehe faist and i parapbernalia and some hundredI odd do!lars in eoin. The capture was more the result of palienee than aogbt else, C<ptain Andrews and party having, as has been told ; been “cabinned, ! cribbed, confined” in compressed quarters from 3 a. m. until, the ' time of capture, 10 a. m. when the raid longlooked for and planned was at last soccessfolly made. Mr. A, Barnes of Sprecklesville 1 is visiting the town. The Japanese traiuing ship “Kongo” is expected here shortly • Batbing parties were the order Iof tbe day yesterday. Why not band concerts? - i The -'Hawaiian Population” by A. Marques whieh has appeared in a series of articles in the Holomua. is now out in pumphlet form. There was another runaway this morning. A haek from the OccidentaI haek stand on King street took a vacation and the haek got smashed. TVhen will this stop ? A gentleman visiting Honolulu lost a very valuable ring while boating uear Waikiki yesterday. No divef being around, tbe ring will stay with J$optune. The Japanese Diplomatic Agent, Consul General Fnjii, who has visited Hawaii and Maui on official business reports that the Japanese are generally satisfied, and that there is none or little (riction on any of the plantations. Tbere will be a special meeting of tbe Jockey Club members to- , nigbt. Mr. C. O. Berger, the long-time Secretary will resign. The new blood will very prob»bly , elect John S. Walker, who bas the backiug of tbe “newspaper men” of the Club.