Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


A now l«x-l.iw w j!1 prol>i.blv Le I broog'at mnt the Conrc;l . nicistiiig. '#■ — — *\ ent!,er tt> . •; 3 most p!ea&mt wiuil fre.sh N. E. | Fhe inter-;slaiul ste.imers will I leave port tbis afteruooa. Tlic Bo.nl of Healtb, ven* prob ib!v, will bav« an interestiug roeit;ng to-morro\v afterno n \ I *Son«lny b unl concei-ts are still lookeel forwartl to as a coming event. Sever 1 polieemen lmvo been *fire’ tliey refa>eil to ■ j reg:ster aiul vote. Tlio ladv m n:»gers of the Maternity Home huve a eanl of thaiiks iu anotner colnmns. i Tho Amer.can (?) League is stil) f .st iu the \veb of the “mis siuuary" sj ider. The bark. Hesper arrived in l-ort here this morning nml a!so the sciiooi.er Oeeauie Vnuce. V«cation for public school | eliihlien, will eomiueiieo on Saturday uext. Tho poliee have not yet been i i*aid off and pr«>b b'y wil not be • iiit 1 tlie 5tLi inst. Captain Jnlins Asch lias resign ed eoinmaiul of Co. A. A new eleeli. n has been ordered to 1111 the vacaiic\*. — Tlio HOLOMUA aeknow ledg *s the c«)nrlesy oxteude«l by operator Crme of tlie Bell Te!epbone C >. I for ne\vs fi.rnished this iuurning. . 7 E!cctric ligliting is being rapidIy pashed for\vard iu many priv.«to Iiuiises Pineapplcs from Ihe E.ihama slands are now use«l by Major \Vo!tcrs in !iisrefres!iing m?xture J piueapplo eoekiail. Tli*> members of Mannerchor FIarmony will gather t'>gether ‘.>m.'rro\v cveuirg at,7:30 o’eloek n t!ic parlors of Major AVolter's 'mstelry. Seiv.tor (S!me) Smit!i is now ippressed willi tlio burden of iTanging for tho proinnlgition ,,f a p .blic liolid «y on tho 11 t!i of June. Cliineso res;dents havo been , u ,t fie«l to f.ill in line f<>r orgmiz.tion into a (Americin) Leagne. Plie uol.ccs were scnt around today. It is reported tb«t somo of the American Le«gneex specials were smt for yesterd «y by tho polieeiuthorities, and got their job back. Somebouy b s lo.st a bi!l , ,t the Maternity Ilome Inm. IIo «dvertises for it >.n«l asks to gct .t back. e.m nnd«!utcd inuoeeuee go aiiy farther? — Tlic Popnl.n- Phonoanph P <r- , «)is iu Ar!iugto» Block are c;«>s vd Mr. Stoeckle inteuds t<> uiake anuther tour nf the isiauds. M .jor Wolters has brought to t Kiu*cessfnl iS'iie tlio f >iniation f tiio llanuoma singing elnl. I wli ieh uow n«uibers s««me twenty ! meiubers and who hiro tiu-ir own | hull. » F H. Mill er fonner!y secret »ry »f U.e Schuetzen e'.uli aml ono of tlie lioroes «<f tl.e Kalal «u tnsoo h>is bean nrr« sted f>r »ttempting to leave the country wit!iout a passport A rn«nor. brv»nght by the j stnamer Ar«wn. is t> tl.e * tmct that, Eugl.nd .nnd Franoe are | jo iud iu a reqncst t.) the l nibd St»tos tu restore tbe siata quo m Huwaii. Ohl men and yonng men; fat umn »nd le.m men; long meu am Khort ;nen;great «neu «ud smal iueu; Kud mon of oveiy kmd and c«uH«tion. and feci bke naw men. «ftor iii bibing «>ne ot Man «ger i Cni.ningh*“** , « uow famuns o> »t«r cocktads.