Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PHORCED PHORAGING Successful Raids by Genearl Scissors. Tlie following vt-rses ap5»ear in au .Au>tr,ilian journal in n ference to the discnssion »n tho colon;es npon tiio subject, “ W;iat is reallv tiie proper pronounciation of the En«j!ish t<-ng!ie? ’ Whot is t et>ngneof Eng';i’i<! ; Y • who te »oh :t m scho.il ••! »1 iv Wliat f »shio ii E ig' «i l s E’ghsii Is griramat eil we tr t l >y? bti i 1 w,* b.iik bnOt!ie t'<>i:sin J »cky, "rs|ie tk w.!:i i Yorks' r>* b . SImII • rt,viiig 1» ‘ t'i • t v :-g : O. S'0\'. Or ti»e E ■st Einl I. *ndoiier? Wo ,hl t tv g.ft of t»»l'gnvs <<i.cv gi ven Tho preachers of Holv Writ C*»ver a11 of E:iglaml s E iglish?— That’s iiiy qut’Siioii, <A> answer it. An Irishm iii said ‘Shoore G»Iway la Ihe proidu o’ the wurruld fer spacbe; ’Tis discnded frum pnre bog Latin, An’ bechoone a yill an schrache. Oh! ’tis wo hov the loovely aocint Thot uo Sarsenacb toongean bato ’T s the eliek o’ the brogue fhot s iu ’od Makes thelnglish langwioh swate. The Mewe?s med ’ud for pothrey, An’ for luvan’ for blarney’ssake, Yiz ’ml nivvor o’ t iut Oi was Inglish Ifyiz bod’nt o’ hurd me pphake," By a scion of •*paawest eulehaw" This verse of t!ie song was sung — “Bai Jovo, you know, y»m Aust\v:»lia ns Just maw.law theraotha\v tongne. Ai mey say tbat A’im frora Awv fa\vd Whaiw a dwawl is ling\vist’s p\vitle. And 1 hoope you don’t moiml ray reraawking That you’ve neemeel a s|iee<l a sp\ tle It’s a bawwid b iw to a Bwiton, Tbis teacbing you bow to spoak. Yon’aw Eugl:sh is j ist abbowigii»e. A\vs c!ass:c and lawgely Gweek. I > Witb a skiril lika a Higbland piborch S;ing a botly in str.mge arrny. H s pants didn’t nevd nny braces, F»>r tbey were not bailt tliat w »y. ! “Ucr n-nue, heeh! was Dugalt MacPhairsou. FraeLochabt*r’ssnnwsshe’8aw*y. Na’ fasb d her lieeil wi’ si>eerm’ j Wbet ta Melpom pair iies s»y. 1 Gin ver wantin pairfit Ink 1 isb, Sbe’s sayin, —n i chibe or cb»'ke— I Ye maun seek in ta bonaie Hee ll , 1 ands. | Wbaurta Gealic’s b.irely broke.’ So the legion that speuks pura Engl sh A weml, wild cboros s;iDg, For this song was tbe soug cf Babel I Aud tbey smg it in divorso tongoe. Xo one uoderstoo<l t';e otber, But e»cb. whe»her u<>rth or wcsl. H»ul ihe fir uest of firm cunvictions , Tb>tb is dia!ect was tbe best And •*e'mfns on worse c»i»foondf W*s ihe answcr s!o«ly wrr.Dg. To th« qnestiua aakwl of taO 5 £ngbs!i: ■‘Tray whai is *bo Engli*b I tuuga«f’