Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ref ..nn 1 socie(v rolt=n to ib booorable roen h- Me conslitut»onn! y. :e g "lv.or «orallvso ***%£ ** i —p . c!i resu.ts. wuieu n »ture :>s to re icu *^ .„»11 deojoustrate tb« aepenon^ tbe wliile raco. Ikm « «• <tre.ro of tbe 5 la«-<lealer. Tbe o i, or.lv a sbort step fr >al lt to ,eal sl .«rr, If yon P nt « eha.e , r <,en.t tbe neek 0f tl.esb.ve, tbe „tl,er eml f.stens lb»H ««"" v „„r o«n, ar.<l «i» boM yon nnl.l ttic Neu,iais ot coropensalions shall overlake yo iJCLIEi' D. UWNE. the well known THOKOUGHBRED | ruxnixg STALLIOX “Duke Spencer Will St;nil Seas n at tlte St:.bles ■•{ A. J. CABTWRIGHT. Esq.. Makiki. F<‘o. F fty D »’l rs: ]vy;’ble at tm■ « f service. O.m el e *re taken ..{ Mares; n<>t resp ns:ble for aocidt i nts. —Duke Spenc‘*r. b;.y: ! boig!it. fifteen an-1 t ree-qnnrter ),atuls; of tL«em >st geutle dispositi»'u. 111 1 I AHUX(r Sz Co. Dj3Bj5aqi īaila?? \ \rr\Nr fniF.ET, RIf><tk. Opp. Qceen E.mma Hall, Hoaolulu. ALAKOE ASSORTMF.NT D5.tRonMs. Twee’s Cisōmen*. Bn*ml elolha, Brails, Kattons, nss»rte.l trim:uiugs. NEW PATTERN D : <»>uals, Twtrkls an<l Serge. M .rJ <-aiu | Thoroughbred Dulib tor Sale TrlE ENGL1SH SETTER “Honolulu Bred at the GIenmnro Keuue’s, Beikeley, Cilrt. Begistere<l (N -. 31.093) A. K. C S. B., Nt \v Y rk. Sire<l by I.ee R., w nner of D -rby nt the Pa; eilie C» ist FieM Trinl at B ikersneM i» IS H). Le by Ro<luey fM90) lroin PbyllisII (2,16.)), Eoliiey, tlie sire »f I.ee R . by f)»c D., from Ktte D , f:l,7l»] fr»m l’hyll,s II[2 16ōj R<ke [212] fr»iu Ph}!lis 474. 1 ! he tlnm uf H»it lu:ii Girl \»ns Belle GIadston», the only daughler ou the Pueiiie Cosuslof ehauipiou Olmlstoue (11.3); frooi Z< ll, (3,S61 ■.; by Daii, [l,336j, from Champiou Petrel, [S,427J. THE POINIEE * HonoluluX>uke/ (30,853). bred at tho Shabb iiia Iveti!iels Ott<\va, 11. by Devons’tiro S»n, (7,843); from Shurbs, 1 f 5,2»3). The D <ni »f II»n >lolu D ;ke is Belle, by laek; from Uelle D. bv Triukett’s Bung, (4,117). Honoinln D;tko is tlioronghIv br ke on plie <s nits, witli st .nncli |io nts— m ail-d <y d< g. F <r farther particuiara. apply to or address W. 19. CU3NINGHAM, n,:»r 10 Aschor Haloon. WM. DAVIES, Kigger, Stevedoro axd Wrecker. ESTDTATE3 and CONTRACTS ON all KINDS OF W0P.K. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn regulariy l«tween th!s port and V: '] I “l‘.‘b -\ioknIciii, Keuwea.il un ) Knīki . n the islaud »f Poi Freight, etc , a|.p!y to the Captain. Bost of Beferences—Tnqui re a t Olhei of J. S. AV„ k*r ov-i Sp r ock.‘ls Bank, or Wright Brot> Tuvt Str<;tt. dec lC-tf-c. l\ AKAXA i < |f j|6! f cl|a!]t -;- laiīop! 321 Nunanu Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbe Lateiit ytyle. Clothes Cleaned and Repaiied no]7 w. S. LUCE Wine and Spiriti "Meix:hant e«m Dtock, “EBCHA»r ST„ KONOLULU