Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — A Golden Chance. [ARTICLE]

A Golden Chance.

The Sateens sokl by Giriller on Kaahnmanu street, and mentioned in onr paper yesterday, cansed a geueral immigration of ladies to his bead(]aarters. 13ut what are tbey anybow iu comparison with the Organdies and Printed MuU, wbicb were e\bib ted on bis counters to-d iy. Tbis is the raost perft-ct and most beautiful stuff ever imported in Houolulu. I and ean bo only equalled in London and Paris. A single yard will be so!d at wbolesale price, whieh in plain language means tbat tbe ladies for one dollar ean bii} T two do11ars worth of stnff. 1 ‘The girl who besitates is lost.” Hcsitato and the goods are gone. j It is a pieasnre to state tbat witbin tbe past week tbe subscriptiou list of the Holomua has ! has bad names added whieh exceed a buif a ceutury in number. Mr. A. Marqnes bas been appointed temporary admiuistrator of tbe estate of Anlonio Monteiro, on tbo application of Seubor Canavarro, Consul for Portugal. The actiou of carpenter Mutcb, at Kamohameha Sebool,in dis j cbarging Hawaiians who wonkl l not take tbe p. g. oath, is said to | bave been strongly condemned by Minister Daraon. This is jnst the kind of we *tber in whieh to enjoy tbe scenery along tbe route of the Oahu Hailway. Strangers in town sbould not omit a visit to Ewa plaula tion, via the popular road. Pittsburg, Mar. 14. The nuns bave withdrawn frora the Biveri side sclmols. This action was taken in view of tbe injunction proceedings entcred yesterdav by tbe Juuior Order of Araerican Mechauics aud the refusal of the Ceutral Board of Education to pay their warrants. Tho crow's nest cut off. by wliieh the Cauadian Paeilie will ! gain direct entrauce to Spokane and otber Wasbington cities, will be completed this ye »r. Tbo man who accidoiitally caused tbe beginning of. the fire whieh swept Seattle in 1889, was convicted last week of bighway robbery.