Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kamehameha Concert. I ■ 1 QIees f Ghorises, Warbles Ghcir — and — Sclioot B\jlo. The BOYS wi!l be assisted by others b;t are doing most of tbe ! work THSMSELVE3. to take plaee Saturday, • Apr!l 7, at 7 45 P.M., at Kawaiahao - Church ADMIBSIGN : : ; 5 Cts Tickets f« r Si!e at C;«st!e «k Cooke r «, Thnim's anei Hawaiian News C ». tnar31 Iw. ocj:axic SteamshipCo TTime Table. — LO(’A L LLXE. S.S. Ai:STRALLA. Arrive II *n luln Leave Huuulnln From Sydaey £or Sun Francisco. Leave Honolulu. F0R SALE. COLTS AND FILL1ES by “NTTOROVE ' 2.22 out of aneh m*res as •‘Silky’’ 2.23 1 ; triAl2.1t. “ Peole” 2.:>6. “Halloween" daui I 0 f “Miss Halloweeu’’ 2.24, and ‘S iut.« Rosa' 2.21, “Tvrirkle” 2.30;;. “Lady l’owers” auil other fio->d mares, idso. “Droi>per’’ pupoiea, (cross between Setter * an l Pointer), thoroughbred ou lw>th sides. - Blne Pelio.i English Setter Bitch “Minnie Noble.” a prize winner in beuch aud tield, r I ste.uly and s'.mnch. No man h;«s a lietter ; thoronghbre 1, Jersey Bull, by “Una’s King” ; out of “Jervey Lillie,” registered. 3 mileh | Cows. For :arther particul.;rs, APPLI to A. J. CARTWRIGHr. Mar lō-ti. I 1 po' nd m ast;:r*s NOTICL. ’ j l - Not»ee i-> herehr gĪTen to all persous. th.it there is «t the Goveru'-nent l’onu-1 at M« ■ kiki, one strayed cream horse, long while >jy)t oa the h>n*he» 1, feet are while. brauded F on rght h:ad leg, f>>re-feet are sLo>l. Auy person or t«ersons owuing thi> ; horse are re>;neste>i lo oou.e aui\ lake the sarue on or bef>>re 12 u’eloek noon SATUKDAV, Ai’KlL, 7th. 1594. JAMES KUKONA. Ponnd Ma»ter. Makiki. Mar. 27. 1S94. « I CARD. THE P.OARD of Lady M*»n grt ers of the K nioLni M«ternit\ w Hom- tAke tbi.3 oi»r*>rtnnity nH man of eiteu*bi'g fheu sir e re •y thtitkst> »11 an>l ev-ry one «h -r kindlv gtve th-.- r *id and ass st i-I «nee t>wtrds tl»e Luan held or rajMirch 31, 1831, f-r |>r cur>n$ i‘L f mds f>»r th<* ab ve iost’totion. 2 F rtheB>.rd >f L.dy .'‘a n Uew. Mas. E. S CrNHi. . Fvēentt %.