Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(=J. E. Mclrn*lE B^o IMPOF.TERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, ]Provisions< ASD Feed, EAST CORNER FORT i KINC» STS. New Goods Rec’d Bv everv Packet frora the Eastern States an*! Enrope. Fresh California Pnxlnce by every steamer. All onlers faithfolly attended t<>, an.l Go «ls *lelivere.l to anv part of the city FREE 0F CUAR(.»E. Island Onlers Soliciteil. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pots Office Dox N->. 145, Telephoue N<>. 92.

LANDS AT AUCTION. i Bv virtae of an onler i;vsned by the Conrt throagh the Chief Justiee, Hon. A. F. Judil. in reganl to tbe Ca.se of W ILLIAM WATSON et al. ag:iinst David Watson, there will be so!d at Puhlie Auolion, at the Anction llooms of James F. Morgan, at 1o’eloek noou, on SATURDAY A;*ril *2S. 1394. All those j»remises situateil at Kaneohe. Koolaupoko, Oahu; aod raore j>arJ ticnlarly designated as follows, to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot ‘2 421 “ Lot 3 37.96 , Lot 4 7.35 All are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Paul F. Manini. Lot 5 20 acres Lot 6 ‘20 “ Lot 7 ‘20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All are parts of those premisea conveyed bv Kamehameha IV. to David Watson, bv deed dated Dec. 29, 1862, and recorded in Liber 16. p>ges 127 aud 123. Title perfect. D-eils at the expenses of the Pnrchasers. For further particulars aj)ply to William C. Achi, Attoruey for the Commissioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Comroissiouer. Honnluli». Feb. 23, 1894. He\ry Conodox. L. H. Df.e. California Wine Co. JOBBERS OF W ines, Spirits, & Beers. And in f iture the busiuess will be carried on under the nnne and style of “CALIF0RNIA W INE CŌ .” at 407 Fort street. Mcln>ruy B!ock. I i LAB0E 6UR£AD. THE AMERICAN LEAOUE ' Begs lcave to announee tbat it his estab : ished an E'iiployment Bure*u in connection with tlie American League We will be pleased to furmsh you with skil led or- unskilled labor without nny foe for the engagiug »nch labor. The labor enrolled with us is of the following nationaIitie.s; 1 3 s i a American, P >rtnguese, Hawaiian, Oennan, Aud other £ iropeau N .tioua!ities B>'gg ng leave to opt-n a correspoii.leuoe witb yuu ou this so!>j -t We reniain, Yonr obedieut senrant», The Americax Le'Ole Emploi MEST BCEEAC. Address all communicitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN. Secretary. mar 28-tf. P. O. Box 493. U wia$ wo \ do. e Xo. 23 Sno»un Str-et, Heaoiala I 1 Cop|iissio|i s n ’ spr2 Ir g - NV)Hcel ~ i Darinbbt aWnee frum this KIngiV)m, f aiT bfothwr LEE POI ol Uie Finn of >nu ' Hoj' Lang Kee at Waanae, 1 «hali aet for me w::h fnll poavr Ai'. rur}. \' v£X Uj vlaūa. 3J r. 5,:i. :\.H. «L-ae 0 l

Again in Town >Te\v Songs. New l?ecitations, Xe\v I n.stmmental aiul Baiul Selections The I.atest aiul Best receiveil bv the steanier Monovai, nre now on exhibit on at the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arliugt")n Block, Hotel Street. Don't mistnke the Location. fe!9 IUST ARRIVED, q q 3 BABY • CARRIAGES of 4 all:styles. V M i\ I r IX THE LATEST|PATTERNS. “:H0USEH0LD’’ SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewing Machines, £-jf*All \Vith the Latest Io.pruvrni-iU-^|J t t »• PARLOR OuitarF f An.l Other M i«iev I trnm *Dtii.| Wines, I.iquors, Beer AL'.VAVS ON HAND, AND F<JR SALE BT ED. HOFFSCHUEGEE i 00 Kine St <■«-*!•■ » <w k.’« H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Stree». - Houoialu Families, Plantntions anJ Ships sapplletl w;th cboicest Europeav 0 I ner : -an Callfornia Pr*uluce »v fivr«j