Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THe ED. J Aiiheuser-T3usc1 1 Brewing CTo. win: the Jppize the W air vrith iheir l'J Lpanel I3fer. i j St. Lolt». 0. t. 23, 1393. Me>ses, A' Co. . L d, Honolnlu. H. f ! De<ir Su‘-*: —We have ni:.;led voa a copv r>f t , . „ t . t . r.- ~ Globe-Dem [announeui" t!ie great victjry w '.n bv ths An'HEI’AKK j’csh As>> TI0X \vith their 1 EAOLE’’ I3r*ud cf Beer. [Signetl] ANHEUSER-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATIOX *mt IA- /. & «5 ■v> BAD£ MAaK X % «V -- *SĒ 5 % M ae & iaURlSH!H^ 4 Iu ordoring 1Lis Beer besmetousk fortbe “EAOLE ' Brand. MacfaiTano & Co., M ;r. 11- 2m<l. Aqents for Hainiiian I»land-<. AT THE CLTJB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Rccord: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1833. Sire, Pr'>nijit'.-r, l>y !'.!• e Ball. 75: D.iin. Gri'-e, by Iino ’inecr, 2,053. Pr mpter Iis r>lso tbf> -'im <>f Apox, 2:20; Tmasit. 2:20!; 5Valker. 2:2-'!'; Wales, 2:271; Cbic«>. 2:24: uinl of thc l» inis l.nll :intiue, 2:17 and V»•;.>r, 2:2S. “Ckkole*’is iet līlaek, one hm>l wliite nnil small str ; i’e in f -.ee. \Veight, 1,050 ponnds; is very stylish, gentle. a Rf>od pr >dncer snd a pin>e r.iee l.erse, Will st.tu«l f:>r a linnle i iuimber of nur< sat ITKT\ i; 50> POL 1 Vi.S FOR THE SKASOS, p iyi*.We ut t:me of «*rvice. Thia horse uas bre 1 iu !S,»2 t«> for:y-sii mares aad pr»luce«l forty-two o ts. feb 17-im U HDAV1S. 0TU)T> AT t P0KTER. l{obhiS‘>n Block, JIntel 67., heheeen F--rt arid Xunanu. Have Jrst 1«<<i■ r . i«ī I.* 1* A 11 iV. 1e•«i f t i ieV cf FUK Ml UI L Eur imj fittd to t! is Cc«ntry, C< mpiish lt A n ō ‘S UiW V WWU ai^wUl In Oak, ardofihc LATESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTLNTI0N' IS C.\LLED T ) T iESC SETS: Beaut fnl D« s gns of Wiek- r Ware, consist ng ot SOFAS CHAlliS, KOCIvERS. etc., v u ean gvt t!ies? iu ny FiNISH v<»'i des«re. CHAIInlS, Coantless numbers : CHAIRS. in <‘verv stvle, iueln-.Hnp 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIKS. ESTZllTSIOIT * ****** We bave had a nmnber of calls f«r these Tobl< s. with CHALRS t« nialeh. We have now in stock tbe ra< st I BEfiUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE LVLr. SEEN HEKii |Sidet)oards and Chifibniers xr X> I SS. : -* i |Div.»us ei>ver>-*i wīth PORTIERS are beconiing qoite the r*ge in (plaee <>f L0UNGES -we manufucture t .e<n to «*rder, aiul have » ■ la:go stcK-k oi' POI*TIERS to sel ct frora. Gre t Assortment of W0VE\ 'WIKE MATTRESSES—S P rng. H <ir. Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade t>» or*ler. L1VE GEESK FEATHERS ai;d SILK FLOSS fur Pillows. CKIBS. CRADLES etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. C0RMCE Pv)LES, in vood or br ->s tn innings. 23 ES X S X IS7 O-. Mattresses, Loange3 and aii U P holstereJ Furuiture repaired at r< asonable r» tes. CABINET MAKING. in ail its hranches. by C »mpene;it Workmen. MATTING LAiD »n<I Int rior Decor.ti g au<ler the Saperv;siou of •lMr. GEORGE OKDW.\Y Our GihxIs re F rst Cl <ss, and •ur prices are t<e lowc-sL Oouie anJ be e nvincvJ —a tri <1 is s l«c ted. B»- l ō2o. . TEI.EPH J5ES- - M lt‘'ai «74*». OIJ>W AY <v Pt)KTEr*. B*. ck, b»-tw* *-u iu«t •»;.<! Noan&u