Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — PIGMY POLITICS. [ARTICLE]


The Japanese Franchise Kefnsed. At a rneetin£ of tbo Central Coinmittce of the American Union Party la.-t evening tbe following res lulion was adopted: R> 1, Thot it is the sense of tLl* ii"'tin>j (f'<it the ./ii]»inese s'ioul<l nul <jrante<i the rl<jht of franrJ<{«e. We bave in forraer issnes stated tliat tbe .lapanose jonruals of late bavo expressed a belief tbat tbe Provisional Governnient of Hanaii bns decided to fulfill tbe treaty obligations and grant tbe Japanese equal rigbts witb otbei foreign residents iu Hawaii. Con-sul-General Ii win iu au interv:ew with Mr. Leigb lrvine of tbe y 1 }’"< /. IIcruld, stated tbut tbo Governnient bad ngreed to grant tbo francbiso to tbe Japanese, nnd tbat bo was going to inforra tho Japnucse Goveruraont of sucb fact. Mr. IIatcb in auswering a (in» >tiou of a ropresentativo of tbe K/ ir in regard to tbis mattcr. denied tbat tlie Goveruraent bad taken any step, aud tbat Consul Goneral Jr\\in bad no autbority to inake sucb a gtatemeut as be bad. Tbo raatter would be Ieft entirely to tbe Constitutional Convention. Tbo inen wlio raet Iast n : gbt an 1 p >sed tbe resolut : on do uot rej resont tbe couutry or bold mueli intluenco bore, but tbey will perbnjrs be able to control the ConstitntionaI Convontion aud tbrougb tbeir foolisbness take a >top wbicb will bo suicidal to Hawaii. Tbe conscrvative elemeui in'tbe Provisional Goverumcut consists of such nrraut cow;-rds, tbat tbey give way wbenever the Eadicals frowu ou tbcra. They laek backbono, aml thcy laek tbo courage necessary to staud up for their convictions. The revolution cgainst the Japauese francbisc is a uiere imlioalion that the eonveulii’u will uot frarae a e mstitution that will grant tbe Japauese what tbey elaim to be tbeir rigbts. Tbe rumored appointment of that thorougb anti-Asia-tio 1». A. Tburston to a cabinet jvsition, will bvlj> to force tbe Goverume.it into tbe disastrons position of autagonizing tbe powerful Japanese empire. AVe do not tbreaten. bnt ns our 1 e>tcc:m .1 ccut nijiorary tho S' ir sa\s—we give a friend!y warniug. , V> sure s tbe sun rsesevery day over llawaii, so sure will tbe Japaneso Gov t rumont enforce its de raaud on Hawaii. Tbe A<Uerfi<er meekly advised to aocede to the dcmaud of tbe Japanese because Japan bas morc guus and more men tban we Lave, and tlie scmiofficirtl oigm dtvised meaus wbereby a Jaj»m se francbise if granted wouhl b? of a sraall mo* meut. The Siar got angry and

h il tlio itupuJenco of raking up tbe Monroe Joctrine. and calling f r help to Ihe Amer eau mlniini?tration ou wbose Lead it bas been Leaping abuse aud ridicole. Let the GoTornment and the men who may meet in a constitntionsl convention make np their minJs to one thing. Even if America shonlJ elaim that Ha- ! waii comes iu unJer tho principle of the MJuroe Joctrine, Cleve!anJ‘s Goiernment will nev-1 er lift a fiuger to save au nufrienJly government iu Hawaii from the ; castigation by aaothor power. Moreovor. Japan as well as the . £uropoau gro.it powfrs rtfuse to ioterpret tha Mouroe doetriue •«•h a a»aHr u wnM briag

Hawaii in as a part of tbrJ ner- [ ’ i’ean Cuniinenf. Wby Hawaii is no n€iirer to Amenea than is Japan or Irelind, ar.J we L*ve vet to learn tbat the Monroe J >cr trine applies to ary «f thosfc places. If tbe fmnchise is not granteJ Tolantarily to the Japane*e by the const tutioml eonvcntion. the Hawaiian Gov?rn- ; ment will be mnJe fo fjrant it \under the gun* o/ Japan * navy. anJ perhaj>s it will tben b:ive to grant more than now a«k>.J fr>r. This :s no lr!filr!g raatter. anJ ! the men who tbonghtlessly p .ss resolnlions anJ swagger aloi g thinking that thev owa this eoun- ” - - , try, if not llie worU, may le. rn a lesson thut iir-itlier they nor ti*i> conntry will f rgc-t. If thcJapanesc siraj !y f»eti{i>>neJ for a fr.inchiso auJ asked for it as a gift grrcion.s'.y given to . tbem, matt r- wouU be Jitferent ; But the ‘J0,000 Japanese res : Jing here backeJ by their 40 .000 000 | countrymen anJ a mighty gov1 | emmeel, JemanJ their rijhi* 1 only, auJ insist in Hawaii fi::fi!iI ing her share of the contrHct nnder whieh they were inuuceJ t > f eome here. Pause anJ ihink, . gentlemeu, anJ stop your en)j.ty, f useless an 1 si!Iy reso!ations. Tiie Jajianeso will voto in Hawaii, ! auJ Jou’t vou forget it.