Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Jt is reported on go d «ntliority, tbat Mr. Dainon made another “gallerv play," t»d..v, ]>y intervoning against tho reg >trv order of ouo o£ his lana. Tlie general pablic cunnot so quic!;iv forget iiis patriotic (?) movo with his clerks and also with the Leagae, aiul it does ap;>ear proposterons for a lana, t > havo ori ginatod the repprted “register or starve” order. It ls uudorstood that the seoret Loague ure making a strong etf. rt to securo tbesc.ilp of “neces«dtv’’ Smith. The locd Tamniuny ch:ef and h;s best braves are on the warpa(h, nnd something is cx pectetl to drop. iu the near fatnre, with a “da!l siokening thud.”

The political Suiith's are being aJded to, aImost diilv, by new arrivals. It is a qaestion if an act is not soon intnxloced int<> the Coancils to ohauge the uame of Honolula to Suiithvilie. TirE p€cnliar metborls of suppressing the press. attempted bv . BJ1 O Smith, is commeutod on adversely by naval offioers gener- : aily aad by the uiore iutelligeut portion of the commauity. — To-xobeow afteruoon tha wlt aui wisdom of the country wili bo assembleJ togother for « brit.{ period to aJJ auotbcr aet to tho p. g brM