Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — THE P. G. OATH. [ARTICLE]


Foreigners Should Consider the Subject T! < o; nion cf Mr. W.'Ashford in r gaiJ to t!.e effect of tbe c> th i r- -:.-rilod by the P. G. Las ci- 1 c >r.>i»TertibIe attentioo, •ii. i ■;> ik :<le many f>re : gners ] ‘ ti> r thiuking-caps. Tb 5 who d noL desire to fore- • t; ir a!leg;ance to their nalive < 11 befr- t : .:. g tbatoatb. As Mr. A'i.i ; 1 ccrrtct’y says a man c i.; t b’ ir allegiance to t»vo 0 '.vA: >. m l the cath now to be ’ ‘ ;i!v means that t t r : corn s a Hawaiian ?t V. j ■ lili.-h the oath >•■•;’ lv otn j ;Jge f>.-r themSec 1S. Formofoath: No —. II IV t ii I lands. i lA.ml c f > s8. I) >trict cf ; 1. -— . ■ _ •! —vears, a natve f ,n >; ling at ,in si. l T tr:ct, do solemnly swoar i,; t: ; j •> nce of ’.lie Almtghtv G< 1 11 1 : 1 1 l will snpp rt aml 1*nr 1 ■ to the Provisional Govt rnn.e:tt o{ the Huwaiian I>1 ii. ’.s, will ojipose any att .; t to ro-rst ib!ish monarhicnl U v< nmi iit in any form in the Hawaiian 1 s!amls. Ti'.o o-.th us -.1 in ]S87 was so frai;'< d ti.at tho t iker simply t> uphoM t';e C"!istitution — whieh evi nl» <lv hml to tlo anyhow, o-ith or no oath—bnt the oat!i i f ta-.l iv is quito clifferent. lf we ::!-e n t n;istakena question v.; , i> tb\ Am ric in citizens here t 1 tl;• S civtary of Stato askiug his interi'ivtation of the 1887 oatii, an 1 t!u‘ answer was that eveiy Amei-iem eoulel t;ike it \\itiiO -.t i’oifu.t!ng his rights as an A lieiii citizan. Before iuybnly who dcsires to retain t!u >e i :g!,ts takes the ]\reseut o.illi, \v<> >’ r.M suggest tbat i:ai j:ri. s l>e m.ale, aml t’ue «’i'iiKi'ii' . t ti;c d:fferent foreign repr sentatives be gaiued before it is t o l:;te for tliem to retraet r reim ly u wrong step. W'e onee ; ."; ;• eall attontion to tho opinion ■ f 3! r. t' ’A. AsLford, as pub1: . 1 iu our ye>terJav's issne. 1 i> veu \vithout political feeli: g or iiitei;tion, aml is simply the hon >t legal opinion cf one of onr mo>t clear heaileil and mCst learned att ,iraeys.