Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Drowned. [ARTICLE]


Mr. Hara a midshipman serv ing oa board of tlio Japanese ra n-of-war TaJcachiho met his <loath tliis mornirg in a very sad ' way. The yoang gentUman who 1 wus only 26 years old was ou the deck of the war vessel early this : raorning, and being possibly suddenly seized witli a fit of d!zzi- ! ness tumbled overboard without being perceivecl. and was drown ; ed. In spite of all eff.»rts from tlie man-cf war tlie body of tbe yonng nfficer was not found untii native divers weie eng iged, who made a successfal search. The tleceased, who was unmarried, will be lmried toraorrow at the j Makiki cemet- j ry.