Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PHORCED PHORAGINC Successful Raids by Gcncral Scissors. Tbe printer to!d of the • cailev” Ioved. To bis friend botb tried and trae “And ‘Ed. it’ may soem ‘eomma' eal, — Bnt I II give the ‘case to von. “Her eyes are ‘diamond,’ teeth of ‘pearl’; Her lips are ‘read an«I lipe. riicre’s nonpareil’—oxcose mv French — Of be.iuty she s tbe tvpe.’ Ton ought to •se:ni e i!on bt'r. 1 ‘Sftnft’ with her !iights. iler f't ii locked in mv fon 1 M br;»Ce’— Siie ciils tii.it woin in's rigbts. ■’Fva gnt her ‘solid.’ Oh. you bet I:1 ‘stick . Sbe s go{ tiie ‘qnoin’ l'm ‘going to press’ my ‘cb.vse‘ nntil Botb beart hand and we jcin.” The Rejcctcd Ms. I climbed to tbe editor's s.inctnm. And found bim tbero sit*ing alone, Witb paste-pot and Bcissors behim, And ex’s aronnd him all strewnHis hands were thrust deep in his pockets, Disbelved and loug was his hair; ’Bout hi» lips w«s a thinking expression, His eyes had a far away s(are. I trembled as soft I approaohe<l him, Felt a weakness creep into my kuees, As I said: “Hor’fia poem; read it, please”’ His eyes w mdered back from tliO distance, And calmly my person did note; One band was withdrawn froro hi» pocket And seized my poor lay by the tbroat. ’Twas a minnie—mefhonght'twas a cycle— Ere the editor opened his lips. But the wordsthat he spoke when th*'y parted Cast ovor my hopes an eclipse: “ Tis rhymo w thont reason iU rubbisb, Eaeh Ed. in the busket wonld throw it. Don’t fool ’way your time witb the Maaee, Believe me. yoa'll ne er be a poet. * 9 4 ♦ ♦ “Rojected! the daeco —yoa don't mean it! Tis better than raany Fve writ. ” Didn t know you! Ah. that is the reason The etlitor saw nothing in it. No raatter how good the production, If it eomes from a pen that’s not known, Ten to one ’tis nēver accepted, Bot in tbe w:\ste-basket is tbrown. ‘ Let’s have it! 111 copy it over, And scnd it as one of ray own, And IT1 bet you the oysters at Cable's ’TwTl not in tbe basket be thrown f’ Next week the poem that was ‘‘rubbish’’ When a name unknown did it bead, Appeared in large type in T%e Crit\r. , With a tribute of pritiso frora ihe Ed.