Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — FROM HEADQUARTERS ! [ARTICLE]


— | THAT MAN “GOOD” SPEAKS i — Colfax (Wash.), March 19. — Johu Good, Captain of the Na- ; tional Guards r»f Hawaii, writes under date Honolulu, March 7, ; to his brother James Good of this city, as follows; ‘ We roceived news of Senator ; Morgan's Committee report yes- ! torday and nre pleased, and the ! royalist may conclnde to attempt : something on their own account. If they do we will easi!y takecare of them, but they may make a splurge for a few hours and de- ■ clare Mrs. Dominis again Queen, with the hope that Great Britam may sustain her. “Tne Britīsh Minister bere is an intnguer, and all his family, ■ as well as uational interests, nre j bound up in the restoration of I : tbe raonarchy. and should an np- ; ; risiug take plaee he might de- , I elnre an alleged monarchy nnder British r*rotection. and land meu i from the English m tn-of-war here ta snstain it. If the\' eome i «shore we will skuup them into i ; the earth, no raatter what after conseqneuces tnay bo. Should such a eolliaiou occur we believe that the people of the Unite»l i States wouid oompel tbe Government to sastain us, and tbe peo ; ple of Washiugt->u would have an : opportunily to march nort!iward I over the border. “I am writing frankly of posI sibilities. so that yon may not be surprised at anvthing that i may occnr. We are determined I to 'maintaiu onr j>osition nntil ■ annexatiou is accomplished, and I will fight any foe, either internal or external, that stands in our way. We are in fine position fro*m a military standpoint. My companv garrīsocs the palaee, the vitāl poin,t. They are in : spleudld couditīon, and anylhing

ein be done with them. Peihaw I ooght not to say it, but they are certainlv io a mueh fiae state of drill aa 1 discipline thaa are j aay of tbe er*ws of the war vesseū here.”