Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAP FURNITURE ! Tirrc FAT & Co, Conier of Eicg «nd Bcthel Sts., Honolalo, Offer a large Rssortnent of fice and dtsirable t FURMTURE, whieh they sell at a Terr lotr figare. Bedstehds, Boreaus, Me*t Safes, M*ardrobes, etc., at prices to Bmt everybody. Call and inspect for yonrselves. mar 12 VING FAT A CO. Ng-fU-^Ū^A JUST fc RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kir.d of Colton Crape, Latesi Style of Shlrts io different qnahties.) of porceIain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cnrios suitable for Cbristmas jQoods. 411 KING STKEET, Honululn. TelT)bones, Tell 474. l’.O, Hoi 386. Mnlnai 544. uol3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA,' another Invoico of tbe celebrated JOHN WEILANO PA.LE 8 LAQĒ^ beer/ [Also,[a Fbesh Iktoice or C\LlfOpNl/\ OYSJEF^S cockt\i.ls L. H. DEE. Proprictor. !Sans Sanci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UOKOLULU. wm . 4 Firs{-C/ass Aeeommoaa • Hons for Tourisis and /s/and Guesis, SUPERI0R BATHISG FACIUT/ēS. Prlv3te Cottages for FamilkS. T. A. SIMPSON,