Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PHORCED PHORACING Successful Raids by Gcneral Scissors. I Jo not liko to Lear him pray On bondeJ knee abont an boar, For grace to speml ar : ght the day. Wbo knows bis neighbor bas no flour. I'd mtber see bim go to mill. AnJ bny the lnckloss brother brejJ, AnJ see bis chiIJren eat their flil. And )angh ben atb their humble sbed.

[ ilu not like to hear l»im prHy, • Lot b!essing.-; ou t!ie wiil- w bo.” | Wbo uever seeks her h > ue t«> say, |“If w.iut o*erlake yon. ooiue to . | me.” I linte the prayer. ao lou l aml Iong, ■ rii«t s ort retl for the or; liau’< wei. I. i By hi;u who sces ii ni cri:slu il l»y " r;»ng. .1 uul oulv with tlie lips dot'i fe j * • | I il«> uot like t > h»*ar her | my, With jewcllt.il ear aiul aiiken dri‘bs, Wliose w.isherwoma:i toilsall d«y, And then is askod t*> werk f«>r less. Sncb pious shavers I despise; With folded hands and face demure, The\’ lift to heaven their ‘'angel tyes,’' And steal the earingsof the poor. I donot likosuch soulless pnyers; If wroug, I hope to be forgiven. No angoi's wiug them upw:irti bears; They're lost a million miles from Heaven. Help V/anted. Tbe following is from advertising columns of a Boston paj>er: A eoaehman wanted. I want a flrst class general man. with tho followiug qnalifications: Most know all abont horses aml be a good driver; able to koep five horses in first-class condition, with ten barnesses and fifteen carriages, tosay nothiug of aeow see to it that nothing in eonneelion with horses, harness,carriages house or stable ever breaks, g;ves way or wears ont; being a general max>, most bo able to speak French and German, to assist the maid in wash- , ing dishes, to iike part of tbe ianndry work, aml todo my wife s hair when she bas corapaay; must be willing aml obliging at any and all tioies. no matter how unreasonabie, or surly hia m>y be, knowingall about horses, he will know how they feel when ; thev are driven, aml when 1 drivo him he must notswear;must work eight days out of seven; when be gets a holiday must tako it in the nigbt; only one holiday a year ’ Hllowed. In short. he ioustbe « * white nigger, w;th no rights t’uat ī his emplover is bonnd to rcspect. _ 1 ‘ . 1 mi;

To sach » one, who is wiihng l to go nine rniles ont of town, I will give, fir3t, tho blesseil privilege t>! lot■> o! hard. dirty. Jisagreeable w rk; and, second fair w:tges and a constant encounter with the whims «nd defnands o! an irritable. imperioua, arb:trary, Ul-tempered o!d cunnodgeon. Those looking for a plaee wbere a servant‘s rigbts will be respecked don’t want to meddle with this as I don’t look npon a eoaehman es a hnman being of consideration. bot on!y as an nufeeling dummy with a haad of pasteboard «nd a beart of cottonwool. Answor at onee, stating if yon are tho man, but don’t eome in a 4 _-r>wd. Box 22,189. Boston Post 1