Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Apkil 5, 1S93. The worst cases of iiuligestion oome from poor cooking as often as from tfae qaality of the focd. Tears ago when tfae diet of the natives consisted principally cf Poi and Fi ' dyspepsia was an unknown qnality among tuem. Tfaeir digestive organs were not impaiml by the manv ditferent articles of foo«.l whieh contact with foreigners has brooght tc their notice. It is not that the fooil is not snited to the systems of tfae Hawaiians that illness follows its adoption by them, bnt. becanso they do not take tbe same care in cooking. Now. that Stoves. and good oues too. arc low in the price, then' is no reason why every native on the Islands āhonhl not havo one. Wo sell PANSY and h ave had snch gooil : reports from parties who have used them during the past four years. This Stovo burns eitber woodorcoal, andaregood bakers. ' W e have them iu various sizes, and the price is goverued accordinglv. W e also keep a largo stock of crockery, cnps and saucers, Poi Bowls etc., either white or I co!ored, whieh weofTerat reduced pric*es. In tine China, we havo what is considered by judg. > t. be the best iu the world. (' Haviland Waro is nsod in all .eo best families, becanse it is just as eheap as pluin whiteChina. This article is sold in sets or single pieces; if you do not feel that you ean adord a full set at one tirao begin by pnrchasing a half dozen plates or a eup and saucer, you ean then add to it frora tirae to time uutil your set is complete. If you happen to break any of the pieces you ean always rep!aco them from our stock so that your set is always perfect. Tho decoratious on the “2196” pattern, aro Carnation stud and GoId, and are such thut tbey nevor heeomo eommon. A good eompanion for tho Haviland China in any honse is the Ficher Steel Rango. It is a littlo higher in price than the Iron Stove, but the saviog in fuel soon makos up the ditlareuce. One advantage in a steol range Another is in the fact that the oven [3 roady for baking lō minutesafter the fire is strated. Aro already in the rauge, and you have only make eonneeiion with your water pipes and boiled I to have hot water for bathing or ! cooking purposes. Our ranges | are made of matorial twice as j thick as formerly, conseqnently, they will last longer. Some of the readers of the Holomua are interested in land and consequently , have to do more or less fencing. We have a very large stock of plain and barbed, black and galvanized wire whieh we offer at tbe lowest prices. In connection with our wire, we sell the other maierials, stays andlwashers,for making tho celebrated Jones Locked Fence whieh is acknowledged by everv one to be the best fence ever eonstructed. If you contemp!ate building a fence and wish to save money and have a wire fencethat will not sag yoa cannot do better : than buy tbe stays, wire and wasbers, aud have the best fence you eversaw. Understiind one thing! We hjve the largest stock of goods for tho bouse, rancb aud plantation to be fonnd in tbe Islands, and the prices are Iower than any otber store. If yon want garden bose, sprinklers, spades, shovels rakes, lavn-mowers or any tbing else used in the flower garden. we ean sell tbem cheaper than anv one else. Hawaiian HaNware Co., 307 Fort StrceS.