Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


EUKOPEAN. Tiie Gorman Emperor in eoneluiiiup a cotnmercial treaty with liussia declares that a eoaliiion of nations is required to withstand tho j.ossible events of the i ooming century. Tn consequence of the refusal | of tbe authorities at Buda-Peeth, ! to recognize in anv way the death | 1of Louis Kossuth, a serious riot ! took plaee. London, Mar. 20. At a lun- 1 ; eheon giveu by the Empire Leag- ! , ue, among those present were the Ageuts General of New South Wales, New Zealand, Victoria, and Western Australia. Mr. Reid eulogized the assist- , anoe of the Agent-General hasextended to Lnn during his trip, and said he believed the House | of Commous woukl pass in a single night a Bill permittinp treat es between the various colonies. Victoria aud Canada, he added, were willing to guarantee a third | , of the piineipal and iuterest for j • the cost of the construction of the Pacific cable, aud ho appeal- ; ed to the lraperial Government |to do likewise. Otherwise Vic- • tona raight refused toco operate. i London. Mar. 21. Mr, Glad- \ stone. in a letter to Mr. John Cowan, ehainuan of his Midlothiau Committee. virtually bids a stately and pathetic farewell |to his constitueuts. and warn that democrscy is. entering on a period of great mor.il danger, ; and had bettcr beware of its ; teraptati'>ns. Ho urges thera to j give preference to the interest of' the whole instead of a part of the ; commuuity. In roplyiug to an j address iiresented to him by the : Scotoh “T.iberjls. declared his 1 career is chargeable with mmy j errors of judgmeut, but was governedby uj rightness of intentioo. j His future attend«nce iu Parlia- j ! meut, he said, would l>e uucer- ; tam, as «fter 60 years of eonnee- ■ tiou he was glad for relief frora i active confiict. ArsTRALUN. Owing toa oonsiderable shnuk- i age this year in their revenues I the Dunedin Board of Goveraors j j of the High SchooIs have bcen i obliged to mluee the salaries of j the teaching statfs of both the , iostitutions under their charge. Sydney, March 21 —The eap- I tain of a ship, whieh has arrived ! at Newcastle from Buenos Ayres, i ! reports that a nuraber of New Australians begged passage back to the colonies, aud some otfered i!10; but as he did not wish to cany passengers be had ta deoline.