Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — TO RELIEVE IRWIN. [ARTICLE]


FORMAL ORDERS FOR WALKER TO PROCEED T0 HONOLULU. Washington March 23.—Tbe formaI orders of Admiral Walker and Commodore Kirkland were made oct at the Narv DepartI ment today. Admiral Walker is detached from the inspection and stability boards oa the 2Sth and ordered to San Francisco to take the steamer of April ōth for Honoinln. where he will relieve Admiral Irwin of the eommami of the Pacific st.ition. Admiral Kirkland is ordered to t»ke the stearner -of the 2Sth from New York to Soothampton and then proceed to Montevideo and hoist his flag on the Xewark. Onlers were also issaed to the statT officers to accompany their snperiors. Lieatenant-Comraander Seaton Schroeder has been ordered to duty asrecorder of the Inspection Board of the Navy Department. relieving Lientenant L S. Remy, i who becomes naval aid to Secre- j tarv Herbert. Captain Theodore ! F. Selfridge bas been ordered to I assume the daties of president of tbe Board of Survey and Inspection and of the Stability board to ! succeed Aclmir.il Walker. Admiral John G. \Valker is expected to leave Washington to I ' day and repair to San Francisco by way of New York. It is now j stated at the Navy Department that he will proceed at onee to Honolnlu bv the steamer sailing i from San Francisco April 5th. ; This wouhl plaee him iu Hawaii ! in time to receive the e uumand of the Pacific station, as Admiial Irwin retires on Aprd lō. Ensign S. S. Woods, now on j duty iu the Naval Department as naval aid to Secretnrj' Herbert. i has been selected bv Admiral W alker as bis fl ig lieutenant, and will accompanv bim ioHonolnhi. Lieutenant Sidney A. Staunton will act as secretary to the admiral. While Admiral Walker I will hoist his flag on the Philai delphia, aml will be directlv in , charge of the American naval fleet : at Honolnlu, lie will be responsi- 1 j ble head of the entire Pacific ! statiou. This includes the n ival i force that will patrol the seal ! wators, Commodore Kirkland, who has , ■ been selected to eommaml the ] Sonth Atlautic station, has gone to Baltimore. He will proceed in a day or two to New York and there receive his formal orders. ! ■ He will have the rank of Rear- ! 1 admiral while in comraand of the ; statiou, hoisting his flag on the Newark now at Montevideo. His j elaA 1 will consist of Lieutenant ■ Noell as secretary nnd Lieuten- j : ant S. H. Nicholls as flag lieut- ' ; enant. I I