Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


j A portion, ouIj, of the poliee were paid vesterdav. 1 ' The“Bishop” Bankclerks must | register or, . Sam‘” The “pride of the port” the bark Albert, is lying at Brewer’s wharf. Marshal Hitchcock is slill rnsi ticating at Hilo and drawing his ; salary. Grass still continues to grow in many of the principal streets of Honololo. > Ambassador Thurston seems to be engaged in the matrimonial business at present. The lecturer Annstrong is gone on a trip to Maui accoropanied by the Postmaster General. .X - The weather today is deligbtfnlWind stroug N. E. Flags flying gaily to the pleasant breeze. 1 • — Mr. Wellesley Parker is at- ' teuding to business in a manner that warrants success for his enterprise. Miss Lizzio M. Cunningham, i one of the most popular schoolteachers on Maui, is paying a visit to her home in this city. — Tho Oeeauie S. S. Mariposa . is duo here tomorrow from San Francisco. She will bring news I dates to the ōth inst. It is expecte<l that thero will i be a sort of monkey and parrot or h of a time at the Councils meeting tomorrow. The BoarJ of Health will meet , this afternoon and arrangements wiil probably be made, in secret : ! session, for the forthcoming trip to Molokai. The vacation season is taken advantage of by clergyiuen schoolmasters to desert their flocks. Salary ruus on in both lines jnst tbe same. _____ Kegistration is about on a par j with other lines of busiuess, but j ■ little doing. The Registrar and clcrks get the neat snm of $5 per day for doing—nothing. — The schooner Aliee M. Cooke sailcd yesterday for San Francisco, fully ladeu with corres- : poudents lotters and with a sngar eargo weighing 2,8-48,077 lbs. | valued at 871,201 02. ... The charit«ble spirit of the | “missionary” element is shown in the manner that they attempt to give a black eye to a newly | airived gospel sharp. Too many “sharps” in town now. James Nott, Jr., lately a baukrujH. is uow a poliee spy at the Queen’s residence. Unlike otber watchers, be is rarely in sight, tho surrounding dark yards and coruers offering safe vantage points. Deputy Marshal Browu is making many friends amougst subordinates and the general pablic, by his quiet and gentlemauly manner and seeming desire to do his duty jnstly and without prej udice. Detcctives Larsen and Boyle ' endeavored to captnre a Chinese | thief on King street yesterday aftornoon. but he dove for cover | uuder a honse. Remonstrance and eutreaty proving nnavailing & revolver shot was fired, the j ball woundiog the escaping tbief I iu the leg and allowed of his capture. iiear-Admiral Johu G. Waiker f is expected to arrive by the Mari- ! posa tomorrow. The Admirai is ■ a grjduate of the N'aval Academy : has seeu full and active sea ser- 1 vice during tbe Rebellion, is a 1 highly educated thorough gentieman and eminenily self reliant. Tbe writor has been before the i guns of Fort Ftsher with Ihe Admiral, aud the coolness, good j judgment and brarery displayed bv thu theu Lieuteuaut Coiu- : | * i munder Walker received deserved , ' recogmtion from Congrea«.

m i, . The bark. W. H. Diraocd, Captain McDoaald, sailed for San Francisco, th:s afternoon. The Mannerchoir Societv will meet tbis evening in tbe parlors of the PaciSc HoteL — Tbe arrival of the Mariposa is looked forward to with mneh interest by both Loyalist and p. g. The Hawaiian Jockey Clnb will meet this evening in the parlors *ot' the Pacific clnb. Alakea street. It is reported that Senator Emmelnlh will talk sense in the Rovalist newspajer the Buīletin, this evening. CoI. Sherwood reports that whales are plentiful olf Long Brancb, bat tbat tbey rarely eome to blows. The Scbuetzen club meet tbis evening at their hall. Abont forty new applications for membership will be considered. I j About -900 voters in Honolulu all told and only 700 are registered. Citizenship is worth more than a mere vote. Prince Greig (Goorge Greig) lcaves for hi.s island home, Fancing’s islnnd, bv the schoouer Emma Clandina tbis afternoon. — Shots were fired by santries stationed at the Pal.iee, nigbt before last ; bnt no reason there- > fore could be obtained, as:de j from “accident.” Is it possible that ‘ Blue Almtian Mouniaine” are to be repre- # • i sented at the Feast of Nations in tbe French booth bv the daughter of the German Consul * Complaints bave been made that a recently arrived “coutrac- ■ tor” is covering roofs within the fire limit with an nrticle raade up of petroleum and tar. Snch infiumraable articles are not allow- ; ed to be used under our fire Iaws. Where is tbe brigade? — Captain Peterson of the lost ■ bark Lady Lampson, and in I search of a missing crew of whieh the lost steamer C. H. Bi shop made a 3000 miles trip, is now tho master of the schooner W. F. Witzman whieh arrived in port here, coal-Iaden, frora the Colonies resterday. One of the peculiarities in r aids on Chinese gamblers is displayed in tho late great raid made by Captaiu Andrews. A number of poople were captured; | the bail money amounted to about $1,300; yet, on trial, only i one |>erson was fined, the amouut being $30. Funny, isn’t it? Late reports from the Mid- I Wiuter Fake show that the Ha- ' waiian village is one of the most dirty and unseemly spots in the whole exhibition. It would seem os though tho intent was to make i political capital out of the show 1 by represeating scenes from the notorions Fowler’s yard, and the i “cowvard’ - of Honolulu. * I The Star “prayer” willprobably be the snbject n.;der discussion at the next meeting of the Womans Board of Missiou’s and the paper may be boycotted. The circulaticn obt.iined on Monday eveuing by the disrepntable sheet will probably be pointed to, with prido. in the future.