Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAP FTJRNITURE ! TIH6 EAT & Cq, Corner of King £nd Bethel 8t&, Honolala, Offer a large assortment of fino and de«irable furmtur k, whieh they sell at a vfiy lew figare. Iiodfteads, Bnreaas, Meat Safes,‘Wardrobes 1 etc., at prices to sai t eTerybody. Call and inspect for yonrselves. mar 12 TING FAT A C0. NAfI-yU-^f]0^pA JUST RECEIVED frcm JAI’AN Several Kind of Coiton Crape, Latest 8tyie of Shlrts in different A$oPtnient of porceIain Tea Sets a Specialty f Japancse Lanterus and rnany Corio« suitable for C'hris<m»s Goods. * 411 K1NC STBELT, Honulnlu. T«lerbone«, IWll 474. P.O. Boi 3S6. Mulual 544. noi3 Im Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILAND lager Also, a Fkesh Invoice of 0/\L[pQF^N!/\ oySTEf\S FORCOCKJ/\J US L. H. DEE. Proprictor. Sans SDUci Hūl'EL, r WAIKIKI, HUNOLOLU. jot. First-C/ass Aeeommooa • t ■ iions for * fourisis and /sland * Guests SUP£RIOR BATHING FACIUTIēS. Prr/aU Cottag*s for FamlfkS. T. A. SIMPSON, Man?ger.