Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


— [We do not hoM onrselves responsible for the opinions or the utterances of our correspondents.] , Editoh HoLo\rv.v: Allow me a space in your valu* able paper, for, I have a few i lines to wr te, whieh I hope i would interott to your readers. At hero, Waianae, all the Ha- ! waiians do not sympathize with ( tho P. G.’s Constitutional Convention. I do therefore, Mr. I . ’ | Editor, while penning you these ! few lines feel very mueh overjoyed to find the Hawaiians of i this District true to their cause, whieh is, • , R?storation” of their beloved Quetn, Liliuokalnni, You are, I do not doubt at the least are fully aware of the proceedings of our good and great friends and of their Constita- i lional Conveution, of which,they | I have braggel so mneh of having ! | the people'8 sympathy, but I am sorry to say that at here, Waia- j ! nae, they aro at a loss to find a I Hawaiian who would accept tobe ' ; one of tbe mcmbers of the Board of Election, for every one to whom it was ofiered had refused. Thus being so badly ignored, j they at lastasked a native woman, | sehool teacher, if she would ae- ! j cept it, bnt she like the rest, ' bas politely refused the Chair-, , man of the Board, Just think of that Mr. Editor, j a woman to be appointed one of j the members of the Board of 1 Election. Ha*e vou ever known women being allowed to vote or being appointed a member of the I Board of Election before in these I Islands? If yon have, thenl must have surely misread that amend- j ment of the 1887 Constitution I siuce the P. G.’s eame into ex1 istence. Poor P. G.’s, if they are i thought of so little here I am afraid their Constitutional Con- j vention would condcmn them. With these few lines I am throngh thankingyoa, Mc»Editor the space yon allow me. A HoLOMrA’s Fbiexd. Waianae, April 6th, 1894. Editob Holomua: Will you kindly inform me whether dogs born in 1894 are j iiable to taxation for 1893? It j secms to me tbat the men who cany on the nefarious dog catching business under tbe wings of the learned Attorney-general or his sraaller fry is trying to make capital out of the business. ls it necessary for us to register oor! pups and perhaps have them photographed, if they have been unfortunate enough to bave been born under the P. G. (sham)? If we have to. 1 would like to koow it. LoV» Do<m.