Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PAINIPPON Ho*-el street ArUngton BIock.) «t»TV S«t» hi' •Bo*.h«'r Spkadki Iavx>io? of Japanese Si!k. Paoi') (M Pcr S. S. • China. —a>«r»PPobeautiful silk and crape. Cr>vli in *u *h*J*. phua ttgnred. Cashio&s TiWr (V>ww, IW CoTei>. O-wn*. Checusifrs Shawi' Siik ('1111«' Kainhow Silks. Ail CoIors Fiacj Dr.»perw«. EMBROIDERSD HAND.KERCH1EFS. DoiUi.'. Soarf<. S. J», krts, Ca[s> Esc.. Etc. XOVELTIKS: Th(j Fn-.vsof th-.se Goo«ls xili astonwh you. ’.noIU'Uee ELEOANĪ SILK KIM0N08! Handsoiue Cases, Piu Cushions. Silk Tt > C.>"',C'. L1RPE i>BS)HLL J1PJ5ESE KfiiS Silk Cmbrellas. but «Uoi',,-; Cbair Sa«iaies. Si!k: Uiuuhoo Bliuvis, tiued with puUeys; Silk Luinp Sh.ules. n. w »tyle. J.lPi>'ESE s(Ki;KN From lp. LllUiE JJPANESE r«BRELLlS - Cau Ih> v ‘t with Pole in the gfouml. niee for Picmcs or Lunehe* out of Joors, th« v eau be openetl out or use«l as a U’nt. Ct)TTOX CRAPES IN GUEAT VAKIETV £J?Tnsp€ction Kespectfui!y InriteJ. MRS. J. P- P. COLLACO, Proprietres3. Aprl2-3ms LAB0R B0READ. THE AMKI’.ieAN LEAOUE Bogs loave to annoiiuee that it has establisbeil an Emi>loyraent Bureau in connection witn tho American Leaguo. \\ e will bo pleased to furnish you with skilled *or unskilled 'labor without any fee for the engaging such labor. The labor onrolled with us is of tbe followiug uationalitios: Amenean, Portuguese, Havitiian, German, othor European N itionalities Begging loave to open a correspoudence with you on this subject, Wo remain, Your obedient senants, Tnr. Akebica\ Lf.aoce Emplov.MEXT BCKEAC. r Addross all eommuuieiliona toTHEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. mar 28-tf. P. O. Box 498. Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTER “Honolulu Grirl,” Bred at the Glenmore Kcnnels, Berkeley, Oala. Registered 1S >. 31,098) A. K. C S. B.. N» w York. Sired bv Lee K.. winnei of Derbv at lh« P»; cific Coa*t Fieki Trial »t HnkenheM in IS90. he by Rodney 9.490’ )rv>m Pbyilw U (2,16»>», RodneT, the .ire of Le« R.’. by I)oc D., from Kite 13,715] from Phrlli3 1112.165] lUke [2!2j frotn Pfayl!is 474. The dam of Hon- iala Oiri oras B» lb- Gladstoue, the ooly d*oghter on th«- Paeihe Co«sto( ehamuion OI»t:.stone (1 l.T); from Zeli, (3,864).; by Dan, [1,336], from Ch»mpion Petrel, [8,427]. THE POINĪEK ‘Honolulu Duke,’ (30,853), bred at the Sbabb na Keanela, Oliawa, Ll. by Deronābire Son, (7,843’,; from sh a rb», (•>.263 - The Dim cf Honolaln Dake i» Beūe. by ī»ck; from BeUe D. by Tnnketf» BaDjj. (4,117;. Honomlu Duke u thorongh!y broke on pbeasants, with staunch poīnh)— \n all-day dog. For further particulars. apply to or address W. M. OUNNINOHAM, mar 10 Axchob Saloos. thomas lindsay Mannfactnrinj Jeitxlet and WcUehmaker, Mdnerny Block. 405 Fort 8t., Honolnln.