Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — News From Rio Janeiro. [ARTICLE]

News From Rio Janeiro.

Rio Janeiro, Mar. 23. The United Statos, Great Britain and Italy have nnitediy recommended to Brazil that a hnmane conrse ( be adopted in regard to the in- 1 I sorgent refogees on board the Portnguese war ships. It is urged in support of their reoom- : mendatious that tbe insurgents have committed no crime against tbe eommon law. Buenos Ayres, Mar. 23. Adi vices are to the effect that Admiral Mello has been procl«imed | head of the Provisional Government; aud has annonnced his intention of contiuuing tbe slroggle in Biazil. Xew York, March 23—The Herald’s Montevideo special says: Apmiral Mello has been ehoeen Chief of the Provisional Govern-! meni He succeeds Provisional President Lorena, who since his appointment has accomplisbed nothing except to issoe a note to the varioas powers asking for recogniti<>n as belligerents for the insurg ants. Tha Cabi».et whieh Lorena appoir,ced resigned and has been by Federalists. This 1Jonta consists of a representative from eaeh of insurgent stations.