Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — Admiral Walker's instructions. [ARTICLE]

Admiral Walker's instructions.

Per Steamer Mariposa.) Rear-Ailmiral J. G. Walker left Washington on Wednesday afternoon of the 28th ult. to take stcamer at San Franci5C0 on April ōth for Honolula where he will reiieve Admical Irwin and , boist bis flag on the cruiser Pbiladelpbia He is charged with tho mission of determining the mo.-t favorable locality inside of Pearl Harbor for a United States coaling station adopted for docks ami necessary sbops for the general use of the na\y, and of entering into negotiations for the purchase of such property. Ho has bad a conference with the ' Pre>ident as well as with Secretarie- Gresham aud Herbert and departs with nnuaual discretionarv powers. Before leaving the admiral said that he expected to be back in Washington in the course of two or three months. He had no idea that he woukl have to go to Behring sea. Navalofficers were higbly elated tbis week when the object of Admiral Walker’s becarae defi- 1 nitelv known. If Admiral Walker takes possession of points at the mouth of Pearl harbor such as may naturally bc required for for- j : tifying auddefendiug it, then tbe 1 construction placed upou bis aelion eoukl only bo that the United States iutend to protect the Hawaiian lslauds. i