Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Goner.il Saraiva retain& the chief eommanii of tho land forces. Captain Alexandrino of thaAqaidaban, whieh was Admintl Me'lo’s fl tgship, will probt«bly sncceetl to the eommami of the fleet. News have been received of a battle lastiug t%vo days, in whieh the rebels uuder General Bareila captored the city of Santa Maria. whieh has been fortilled by Feixoto’s forces. General HippoU’ie, who eom mauds the Govemment troops in the south. i& hastening to Santa Maria with a force of 2000 men. He will uttempt to recapi ture the town. Hongkong, March 21—Twentyseveu consp\ratora concerned in the plot to dyna:uite tbe King and Ministers of Corea have been beheaded. The prospects of the Hnddart Parker line of steamers between the eoloaiea aod Canada are declared by Ananeial experts to be bright. Mr. Thomas Spurgeon haj» been elected pastor of the ' Lundon Taberoacle.