Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Feast Of Nations. [ARTICLE]

The Feast Of Nations.

— The mneh advertised eyent ; whieh took plaee last eveni iog at the Beretania street armory, was a most decided snc- : cess. The occr.sion for investure of funds will occur again this evening. Tho booths were well ; uecorated, and the attendance ; was all that could be desired. The following list gives the | names of the ladies who presided i over and took ]>art in the varions representations of the ditTereut booths, viz: Hawaii — Mrs. Haalelea in : charge. Goddess Pele, Miss May i Cmumins, Goddess of the Mist, • Miss E. Davidson; Maui. Miss Elsie Eobertson; Molokini. Miss i Lizzie Hobron; Lanai, Miss Ro. ! sina Shaw; Kahoolawe, Miss LBeckley; Molokai, Miss Priscilla : Knnlnkon; Oahu, Mrs. Minnie Schumann, Kauai, Miss Elizabeth Baker; N.ihan, Miss Helen Robertson; Nihoa, Miss Daisy Smith; Kaula, Miss Hikla Robertson; Lehua, ?Jiss Kapeka Mersberg; Hawaiiau M arrior, K. L. Naone. America —Mrs. S. B, DoIe in charge. Columbia, Misa McGrew; Pocahontas. Mrs. Hugh Gnnn; j Puritan Maidons. Mrs. Walter Frear and Mrs. T. Richards. Lidies in chamcter; Mrs Chas. Cooke, Mrs. F. W. Lowrey, Mrs. Geo. Castle, Vrs. Cbas. Carter, j Mrs. James Castle, Mrs. C. B. Wood, Miss Mary Paty. Jchn ■ Smitb, Mdes Standish. E. C. Jones; Mass;icoit. M . R. Castle. : Jr.; Columbia, H, Von Holt. Great Britain—Mrs. J. H«y 1 Wodebonse in chnrge. Brit»n- ! nia. Miss L. Wodehonse. Irish i and Scotch lassies bv the Misses I Atkinsoa, Misses Rickard, Miss Foster and Miss W oilehoase. France —Mrs. M. G. Irwin in charge. Miss Kathleen (_;«rt—wright represented Joan cf Arc. Miss Elanehe Cornwell and Miss Anita Nenmaan appeared in 1 conrt costumo» of the eigbteenth ! centnrv. Miss Mav Atkinson and Miss Ida Mott S;nith ropreseuted tbe costnmes of the First Empire The French provīnce i of was represented b\* j Miss Mabel liartwell. Portngal—Mrs. E. S. Cunha Iin cbarge. Assistants. Mi>seā Ju!ia, Inez and Flora Perr\*. Miss | Fereira, Miss Camara andMrs. j M. A. Gonsalves. Rosalie Cnnha . and Angela F. Cnnha. Germany—Mrs F- A. Scbaefei in charge" AssisUnts. Mis-ie« i Minnie 8chmidt, M.*mie iddifield, Aliee Jones, Tillie Hoting f Besaie Lawwne», E.».i Schaefei -1 and £theliudi» Schaefer.

Spaic and Meiieo—Mrs. P. Neom&nn in cbarge. Assistants, Mrs. Renges and Miss Finkler; Orang® Girl, Miss Parker; Spanish Senoritas. Miss j Helen Parker. Miss G. Widem&nn an<l Miss Vida; Dancing Girl. Miss G. McFarlane; Toreador, Mr. C. Wid«mann; Espeda. David Kawananakoa; Laariate. Mr. Vogelgesang; Cheno. Mr E Dowsett. Anc;ent Greece—Mr. M. C. Widdefield in charge. Atfaenia. Mrs. M. C. Widdifield. Helen of * Trov, Mrs Van Vliet; Hera, Mrs. G. P. Wilder Psyche,Miss Adele ) Widdifield; Chloris. Miss Jaanita H5ssinger: Demeter. Miss Kattie Vida; Artadne. Miss Jaliet King Cupid. Miss Eina Gann. Swe<len and Norway —Mre. W. L. Hopper in charge; Assistants. Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mrs. R. F Bickerton, Mrs. C. Hedemann, the Mrs. Chapin, Campbell. j Dexter. H. and F. Kinney. Lew- \ ers. Rhoiles and Miss Bessy Hopper. India —Mrs. E. B. Maxwell in charge; Assistants. Mrs. Cochran i Mrs. Cbapin, Misses Elien Hop per, Ethel Sraith. Rita Sohmidt ; Irmgaani Sohaefer. Mrs Rice and ' Grace, and Mr. W. H. Templeton. I China —F. W. Damon in ch;irge Assisstants; Miss Oilman. Miss j Mildred Kinney, Miss Eldredge, Miss Etta Wilcox. Miss Austin.: the Misses and Ah Mie and Ah Young. Lao Chong, Miss Annie Goo Kim, and Violet an<l Vera j Damon. Japan— Miss Carrie Castle in charge. Misses Oza- ] wa, G. Robertson, A P.irke, M. j Dower. Mrs. Collacao, Mrs. Kenake, Mrs. C. Crabbe and Mr Collacao.