Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HW!I HOLCWU^, 19 rrELISHED Everv A.ftei*noon n cErr suxdat bt the Holomua Publisliing Co. At KingSt. eīhoma» block), j Honolula. H. I. rer Mmth, 50 Cu. | ! The j'8per is deJiTen>4 by Carriers in the ; lown an i gulmrb«. Sincle Oipies f>r 5«ale j •t the News I>e»3ers and at the Office o(j public«tion. I EOUUKO NORRlE, - • Editor ABRAH/V EERKAKDEZ, - Manzger X()TICE. All Bnrtine«s Cotnmarlcationi> shonld be R'liire to Abrahnm Fern.Mtcler, HonoInln, H. I. (*>rresj>on(lence «nd Conininnici»tionn for pnhliealion Hhould benddr» ss*-dto the Editor ll aiB Boloama. Ko aotk» will bc paid to «ny nuonymous oommunications. Husincss Cnrds A. P. PETERSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Offioe: Il3 Kaahumann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands. CHAULES Ci»£IGHTON, attorney at law. Offlco; 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands PAUL NEUMANN, attornky at law. 314 Mercbant Street, Honolulu, Motual Tolephone 415. CLARENCE M’. ASHFORD, attobney and counsellob at LAW. Office. 01d Cajiitol Bnilding, Hale), *djoining Post (>ffioe, Honolnlo. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, t)ffioe, cornor King «t Bethel Sts. LE4VIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and Oenei*al Anctioneer. Coruer Port aud Qnecn Honolnlu Porsonal R tte^ n:iQ gj ven Sales arnitnre, Real Estate, Stock and Oeneml Meichandise. Mn'.nal Telephone ‘239. A. ROSA,’ ATTOBKET AT LAW, No. 16 KaahamanuSt. .Hooolala, Hawaiian Islamls. H. E. McINTYRE k BRO., Gboceiit, Feed Stobe & Bakert, Comer of Ring and Fort Sts., Honoluln. ]Kmpire Saloon, JAM£S OLDS, Paorurroa. Fine Wine& Liqaoi 1 & BeeP. alwats oh haxd. t\.mer Nauann and Hoiel Streets Bell lelephone 241. Poct Offloe Boi 107. W.a LUCE ■Wine and Spirit Merchant ('•impheU Fire~proof Blodc, M.EKC HANT 8T., HONOLULU.